NRHS Western Kentucky Chapter Membership: I am looking for photos of the Tradewater Railway, Western Kentucky Railway, Fredonia Valley, and/or Illinois Central (Gulf) related to the railroad line between Princeton, Kentucky and Henderson, Kentucky via Sturgis, Blackford, Providence, etc. The line was leased by P&L from Princeton to Blackford between 1990 and 1994.
While I have photos from the normal venues (Trains magazine, our chapter website/archives, newspapers.com, Flickr, Facebook, RRpicturearchives, Railpictures, etc.), but I’m looking for any photos take by our membership and are willing to scan/share. Primarily interested in 1970s/1980s diesel era, but steam is welcomed as well.
Anything from the collection of Rob Stubblefield, Dennis Carnal, Jerry Mart and/or Wallace
Henderson would be greatly welcomed and appreciated.
This is in reference to a personal research project only – no magazine or book publication –
just my own interest in this line.
Many thanks in advance. Chris Dees