Rich’s April 2010 Ramblings

Hopefully, you have all been enjoying the beautiful spring weather. This is a very special time of the year and it goes well with our very special celebration of our Chapter’s 25th Anniversary. The time since we first formed our Chapter has slipped by too fast but the ride has been exceedingly enjoyable. It has been a learning experience for us and a great opportunity to participate with our friends in learning about the history of railroading in our country and the part that it played in settling and growing our great nation. Being able to come together each month and renew old friendships and make new ones is one that I look forward to.  We are able to share our experiences gain insight into the forces that have shaped our nation while seeing the advances that railroading has made in technology, efficiency, safety, and speed.

The National Railway Historical Society has been a great force in preserving and spreading the history of these advancements. They have documented this movement and spread this information to new generations of people interested in the history of railroading by providing an ever improving bulletin, maintaining a library of books, films, and photographs open to all, and hosting events for young people and members in general.

Our Chapter’s 25th Anniversary is a milestone and a time to appreciate the past and look forward to the future. All organizations evolve and our Society has tried to move into the new century with new ideas and ways of doing things while preserving the best of what has been done in the past. We need each member’s help in improving and participating in this ongoing movement. When good people come together to grow and learn, only good things can come from this.

One thing that will change is the ownership of the old train station that we meet in each month. Funding has run out for the current owners and the building will have to be taken over by someone else. At this time the City of Madisonville is exploring ways to take over the building and preserve its future.  I have met once with the Mayor to explain our Society and Chapter and will be meeting again with him soon to try to ensure our continued use of this beautiful and historic facility. The City realizes the importance of this building and will be looking to ways that it can be used and maintained while serving the community. I am optimistic at this point and will bring you more information as I find it out.

I am looking forward to seeing all of your smiling faces at the next meeting, Monday, April 26th, at 7pm at the Center in beautiful downtown Madisonville. Come and celebrate with us the 25th Anniversary and  join in the friendships and learning experience that has meant so much to many of us.

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