Request for Information…

I’m interested in the operation of the former CSX lines east of Madisonville to serve the Paradise Steam Plant, any coal mines, etc. Mid 1980s to present day. What industries were served? Any photos of Midwest Coal Handling, the grain elevator south of Moorman (on the Green River), etc. would be appreciated.  Chris Dees.

Chad Cowan, friend of Chris Dees, from Owensboro, KY, is wanting to model the ICG line from Princeton north through Marion and Sturgis. He is looking for photos of the line, operations, depots, industries, etc.

Anyone with information and/or photographs about this area is asked to email Chad at


Above and Below: The May chapter meeting at the old L&N Depot in Hopkinsville went well.  Some twenty folks were on hand and we stayed dry in the depot as a healthy thunder storm blew by.

William Turner, Stan White and Thomas Harper provided and excellent program on the life and times of the now defunct Cadiz RR.  William is the Christian County historian, Stan was the President of the Cadiz RR and Thomas is writing a book about the Cadiz RR and their detailed discussion was well received.

CSX cooperated with 4 trains rumbling past the depot.


Back In Black: Newly arrived US Rail GP40 # 400 rests just north of the Wabash River bridge after switching the Rail America (TP&W) interchange at Van Tower in Logansport, Indiana.  US Rail operates two former Winamac Southern (Pennsylvania RR) branches out of Logansport – one to Kokomo, the other to Flora.  Date: June 17, 2011.  Photographer: Chris Dees


In 1973, an Italian submarine named Enrique Tazzoli was sold for a paltry $100,000 as scrap metal.  The submarine, given to the Italian Navy in 1953, was originally the USS Barb, an incredible veteran of World War II service with a heritage that never should have passed so unnoticed into the graveyards of the metal recyclers.

The U.S.S. Barb was a pioneer, paving the way for the first submarine launched missiles and flying a battle flag unlike that of any other ship.  In addition to the Medal of Honor ribbon at the top of the flag identifying the heroism of its captain, Commander Eugene “Lucky” Fluckey, the bottom border of the flag bore the image of a Japanese locomotive. The U.S.S. Barb was indeed, the submarine that “SANK A TRAIN”.

July 18, 1945 ( Patience Bay , Off the coast of Karafuto, Japan ): It was after 4 A.M. and Commander Fluckey rubbed his eyes as he peered over the map spread before him. It was the twelfth war patrol of the Barb, the fifth under Commander Fluckey. He should have turned command over to another skipper after four patrols, but had managed to strike a deal with Admiral Lockwood to make one more trip with the men he cared for like a father, should his fourth patrol be successful. Of course, no one suspected when he had struck that deal prior to his fourth and what should have been his final war patrol on the Barb, that Commander Fluckey’s success would be so great he would be awarded the Medal of Honor.

Commander Fluckey smiled as he remembered that patrol.

“Lucky” Fluckey they called him.  On January 8th the Barb had emerged victorious from a running two-hour night battle after sinking a large enemy ammunition ship. Two weeks later in Mamkwan Harbor he found the “mother-lode” – more than 30 enemy ships. In only 5 fathoms (30 feet) of water his crew had unleashed the sub’s forward torpedoes, then turned and fired four from the stern. As he pushed the Barb to the full limit of its speed through the dangerous waters in a daring withdrawal to the open sea, he recorded eight direct hits on six enemy ships.

What could possibly be left for the Commander to accomplish who, just three months earlier had been in Washington , DC to receive the Medal of Honor? He smiled to himself as he looked again at the map showing the rail line that ran along the enemy coastline.  Now his crew was buzzing excitedly about bagging a train!  The rail line itself wouldn’t be a problem. A shore patrol could go ashore under cover of darkness to plant the explosives, one of the sub’s 55-pound scuttling charges. But this early morning Lucky Fluckey and his officers were puzzling over how they could blow not only the rails, but also one of the frequent trains that shuttled supplies to equip the Japanese war machine. But no matter how crazy the idea might have sounded, the Barb’s skipper would not risk the lives of his men. Thus the problem – how to detonate the charge at the moment the train passed, without endangering the life of a shore party.

Solutions!  If you don’t look for them, you’ll never find them. And even then, sometimes they arrive in the most unusual fashion. Cruising slowly beneath the surface to evade the enemy plane now circling overhead, the monotony was broken with an exciting new idea: Instead of having a crewman on shore to trigger explosives to blow both rail and a passing train, why not let the train BLOW ITSELF up?  Billy Hatfield was excitedly explaining how he had cracked nuts on the railroad tracks as a kid, placing the nuts between two ties so the sagging of the rail under the weight of a train would break them open. “Just like cracking walnuts,” he explained. “To complete the circuit (detonating the 55-pound charge) we hook in a microswitch … between two ties. We don’t set it off, the TRAIN does.” Not only did Hatfield have the plan, he wanted to be part of the volunteer shore party.

The solution found, there was no shortage of volunteers; all

that was needed was the proper weather – a little cloud cover to darken the moon for the mission ashore.

Lucky Fluckey established his own criteria for the volunteer party:  No married men would be included, except for Hatfield. The party would include members from each department. The opportunity would be split between regular Navy and Navy Reserve sailors.  At least half of the men had to have been Boy Scouts, experienced in how to handle themselves in medical emergencies and in the woods.  FINALLY, “Lucky” Fluckey would lead the saboteurs himself.

When the names of the 8 selected sailors was announced it was greeted with a mixture of excitement and disappointment.

Among the disappointed was Commander Fluckey who surrendered his opportunity at the insistence of his officers that “as commander he belonged with the Barb,” coupled with the threat from one that “I swear I’ll send a message to ComSubPac if you attempt this (joining the shore party himself).” Even a Japanese POW being held on the Barb wanted to go, promising not to try to escape!  In the meantime, there would be no more harassment of Japanese shipping or shore operations by the Barb until the train mission had been accomplished. The crew would “lay low”, prepare their equipment, train, and wait for the weather.

July 22, 1945: ( Patience Bay , Off the coast of Karafuto, Japan ) Patience Bay was wearing thin the patience of Commander Fluckey and his innovative crew. Everything was ready. In the four days the saboteurs had anxiously watched the skies for cloud cover, the inventive crew of the Barb had built their micro switch. When the need was proposed for a pick and shovel to bury the explosive charge and batteries, the Barb’s engineers had cut up steel plates in the lower flats of an engine room, then bent and welded them to create the needed tools. The only things beyond their control were the weather…

and time.

Only five days remained in the Barb’s patrol.  Anxiously watching the skies, Commander Fluckey noticed plumes of cirrus clouds, then white stratus capping the mountain peaks ashore. A cloud cover was building to hide the three-quarters moon.  This would be the night.

MIDNIGHT, July 23, 1945: The Barb had crept within 950 yards of the shoreline.  If it was somehow seen from the shore it would probably be mistaken for a schooner or Japanese patrol boat.  No one would suspect an American submarine so close to shore or in such shallow water. Slowly the small boats were lowered to the water and the 8 saboteurs began paddling toward the enemy beach. Twenty-five minutes later they pulled the boats ashore and walked on the surface of the Japanese homeland.  Stumbling through noisy waist-high grasses, crossing a highway and then into a 4-foot drainage ditch, the saboteurs made their way to the railroad tracks. Three men were posted as guards, Markuson assigned to examine a nearby water tower. The Barb’s auxiliary man climbed the ladder, then stopped in shock as he realized it was an enemy lookout tower – an OCCUPIED tower!  Fortunately the Japanese sentry was peacefully sleeping and Markuson was able to quietly withdraw and warn his raiding party.

The news from Markuson caused the men digging the placement for the explosive charge to continue their work more slowly and quietly. Twenty minutes later the holes had been dug and the explosives and batteries hidden beneath fresh soil.

During planning for the mission the saboteurs had been told that, with the explosives in place, all would retreat a safe distance while Hatfield made the final connection. If the sailor who had once cracked walnuts on the railroad tracks slipped during this final, dangerous procedure, his would be the only life lost. On this night it was the only order the saboteurs refused to obey.  All of them peered anxiously over Hatfield’s shoulder to make sure he did it right. The men had come too far to be disappointed by a switch failure.

1:32 AM:  Watching from the deck of the Barb, Commander Fluckey allowed himself a sigh of relief as he noticed the flashlight signal from the beach announcing the departure of the shore party.  He had skillfully, and daringly, guided the Barb within 600 yards of the enemy beach. There was less than 6 feet of water beneath the sub’s keel, but Fluckey wanted to be close in case trouble arose and a daring rescue of his saboteurs became necessary.

1:45 AM:  The two boats carrying his saboteurs were only halfway back to the Barb when the sub’s machine gunner yelled, “CAPTAIN! Another train coming up the tracks!” The

Commander grabbed a megaphone and yelled through the night, “Paddle like the devil!”, knowing full well that they wouldn’t reach the Barb before the train hit the microswitch.

1:47 AM:  The darkness was shattered by brilliant light and the roar of the explosion. The boilers of the locomotive blew, shattered pieces of the engine blowing 200 feet into the air. Behind it the cars began to accordion into each other, bursting into flame and adding to the magnificent fireworks display. Five minutes later the saboteurs were lifted to the deck by their exuberant comrades as the Barb turned to slip back to safer waters. Moving at only two knots, it would be a while before the Barb was into waters deep enough to allow it to submerge. It was a moment to savor, the culmination of teamwork, ingenuity and daring by the Commander and all his crew.

“Lucky” Fluckey’s voice came over the intercom.  “All hands below deck not absolutely needed to maneuver the ship have permission to come topside.”  He didn’t have to repeat the invitation. Hatches sprang open as the proud sailors of the Barb gathered on her decks to proudly watch the distant fireworks display.  The Barb had “sunk” a Japanese TRAIN!

On August 2, 1945 the Barb arrived at Midway, her twelfth war patrol concluded. Meanwhile, United States military commanders had pondered the prospect of an armed assault on the Japanese homeland. Military tacticians estimated such an invasion would cost more than a million American casualties.

On September 2, 1945 in Tokyo Harbor the documents ending the war in the Pacific were signed.  The story of the saboteurs of the U.S.S. Barb is one of those unique, little known stories of World War II.  It becomes increasingly important when one realizes that the 8 sailors who blew up the train near

Kashiho, Japan conducted the ONLY GROUND COMBAT OPERATION on the Japanese “homeland” of World War II.  The eight saboteurs were: Paul Saunders, William Hatfield, Francis Sever, Lawrence Newland, Edward Klinglesmith, James Richard, John Markuson, William Walker.

Footnote: Eugene Bennett Fluckey retired from the Navy as a Rear Admiral, and wears in addition to his Medal of Honor, FOUR Navy Crosses… A record of awards unmatched by any living American.  In 1992 his own history of the U.S.S. Barb was published in the award winning book, THUNDER BELOW. Over the past several years proceeds from the sale of this exciting book have been used by Admiral Fluckey to provide free reunions for the men who served him aboard the Barb, and their wives.  PS: The Admiral had graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1935 and lived to age 93, passing on in 2007.    Submitted by Jim Pearson


With the storm images from the south fresh on everyone’s minds, thought this historical photo would bring back memories from the 1974 Super Outbreak.

An F4 tornado struck Monticello (IN), resulting in an estimated $100 million dollars in damages.

Part of the destruction included the Penn Central Railroad trestle over the Tippecanoe River.

Many of the spans were ripped off their concrete piers and thrown yards upstream of the bridge. The bridge was rebuilt and continues to serve Rail America’s Toledo, Peoria & Western line to Logansport, Indiana. Photo courtesy of Tippecanoe County, Indiana Amateur Radio Emergency Services April 2011 meeting.  – Chris Dees.

by Ricky Bivins, Chapter President

Once again another month has rapidly slipped by and now we meet again. The May meeting was a BIG, no, HUGE success. Our Hopkinsville Hosts were most generous and provided a program that was second to none. Stan White, former President of the Cadiz Railroad was the guest speaker along with Thomas Harper and William Turner. The “point” of the program was the up coming book about the Cadiz Railroad being authored by Mr. Thomas Harper. The book promises to be both insightful as to the Cadiz Railroad and railroading in general. It is easy to forget how a small railroad or even a large railroad for that matter relies and depends on local business to survive. Stan White is I believe a third generation officer and stock holder of the Cadiz Railroad….at 89 years young! He is a delight to talk too and listen too. A grand time was had by all.

By the time this hits the Chapter Website, the up coming June edition of Madisonville KY’s annual Friday Night Live event downtown will be history. The Chapter made a commitment to set up a kiosk on the grounds of the Court House and “entertain” event goers. That entertainment was in the hands of our own Wally Watts and his Miniature Steam Engines. Wally along with our very own Thomas Bryan and I set up two of Wally’s steam engines along Main Street and I must say we had a blast….of steam! Event goers of all ages stopped by to see, hear and best of all, blow the whistle on Wally’s big Wilesco twin cylinder unit. Thomas managed the smaller but appealing Vertical unit while I conversed with on lookers. A special thanks to Danny Koeber for helping break down the display afterwards. I feel even though the Chapter turnout was three plus one, we had a successful display. Next month we will expand with an outdoor train display. Next month’s Friday Night Live will be July 8th from 6:00PM ending at 9:00PM. Please plan to attend and help out.

So month six of my tenure as Chapter President is upon us. The Chapter has been hosted by a radio station, entertained in Hopkinsville and now taken part in Madisonville Friday Night Live event. While member involvement is still low I feel we as a Chapter can hold our heads high and say “success”. But we should not stop now. There is more on the horizon folks. Two more Friday Night Live events, the Chapter Pic-nic, Clayton-Watts open house and the Christmas Dinner. Not to mention our photo archive project and of course our first time ever Rail Camper, Thomas Bryan. We are an active Chapter indeed. If I were to bring one thing to light, it would be; our Chapter needs more input from you, the membership. Attend the meeting this month and get involved.


A Kentucky State Police investigator photographs a wrecked car at the foot of the railroad tracks on Cross Street in Mortons Gap Friday afternoon. The vehicle was struck in the passenger side by a CSX maintenance vehicle. The car's driver, Jennifer Rickard, 25, Mortons Gap, and her 3-year-old daughter, Kayla Casleal, were taken to Regional Medical Center, where they were being evaluated in the emergency department Friday, according to a hospital spokesman. Rickard was crossing the railroad tracks when the car was struck by a maintenance vehicle driven by Deva K Kissun, 51, LaGrange, Ga., said Kentucky State Police. Rickard, Casleal and Kissun were all wearing seat belts. Nortonville rescue squad, Mortons Gap Fire Department, South Hopkins Fire Department and Medical Center Ambulance Service also assisted at the scene. (Jim Pearson/The Messenger)

From Kentucky Railfan Group on

Subject: Old Smokey in Frankfort for Public Viewing

R. J. Corman Railroad Group is pleased to welcome the public to view the inside of the steam locomotive on Saturday, June 4th between 9:00 am and 11:00 am in Frankfort, KY. This is a special picture-taking opportunity which will be exciting for both young and old!

Old Smokey will depart Frankfort very shortly after 11:00 am and return to R. J. Corman’s Central Kentucky Yard in Lexington at 133 Buchanon Street. Estimated arrival is 12:25 pm.

Media is welcomed in Frankfort, and will be allowed into the Central Kentucky Yard for photographs only.

Doesn’t state if she’ll under her power or towed.

Does “view the inside of the steam locomotive ” mean cab access?

Leaves Frankfort shortly after 11 AM and arrives back in Central Kentucky Yard at 12:25 PM. Normally Frankfort to Lexington is 1 hour at track speed.

Get your lenses clean and your batteries charged up.

Contact Person: Noel Rush
Vice President of Strategic Planning & Development
R. J. Corman Railroad Group