Hello again National Railway Historical Society, Western Kentucky Chapter members, and welcome to November. Cool (cold) weather is here!
We will have many things to discuss this month relating to upcoming events. The Christmas Show cancellation, Breakfast with Santa and the upcoming Christmas dinner. Also, we will make our second and final call for nominees for officers as our election will be held this month. Your attendance to these meetings and events is paramount. We need everyone’s collective energy to make things work.
As for elections, we had our first call for nominees last month, remember, everyone is eligible to hold an office. We have the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Chapter Representative. If you would like to hold an office, nominate yourself and don’t be bashful. I do not plan to run for president. I wish to pass the torch so to speak. So, speak up, be heard. YOU can be President!!!
Blair’s October UP 4014 program was a hit. Thanks Blair. The final photo contest has wrapped up. Jim will fill us in on same. Bill Farrell will have the final jacket order in hand, now we can all look sharp! I know Keith has been working on Breakfast with Santa, thanks Keith. Rich Hane suffered a fall this week. Not too serious I understand. We want to wish him a speedy recovery.
There will be more so be sure to attend. And again, step up and lead our Chapter in 2020!