May 2017 Ricky’s Replies!

Ricky Bivins, Chapter President


Just a heads up, our meeting this month as usual is in Hopkinsville Kentucky. Our friends and members from Hop-town always put on a fine show and the venue is excellent. And I believe we will have some tasty vittles as well.

By the time you read this, our second photo contest for the year will have come and gone. I certainly hope you were able to get out and take a few shots and turn them into Jim Pearson. Remember, these photos will be in our next Chapter calendar. The winners and possibly some honorable mentions, depending on how many total entry’s we received over the year. So, get out there and take some shots when the time comes for number three.

In old business from April, we will decide on our level of involvement with the convention in Nashville. We will be checking with Bowling Green and New Haven to see if we can assist in anyway. The consensus from the members I have talk to is a low-key approach. We have trouble committing to in-house events, committing to something outside of our area might be a bit of a stretch. I would not want to commit to something and then not follow through with it and give us a bad reputation!

We also decided in April, to update and purged the Chapter email list. Steve should have a report on this in May.
During the May meeting I will confirm the mailing address for the Chapter, for some reason I have two mailing addresses on file. Once this is done I will give Matt the go-ahead on printing new biz cards for the Chapter.

Jim Pearson, by the way, lost a brother since our April meeting. David worked for the city in Madisonville and was a very interesting individual. Our condolences to Jim and family. That having been said, Jim may have a report on the Chapter Facebook page, YouTube page and a possible Vimeo page. But if not we certainly understand.


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