Greetings Western Kentucky Chapter Members! The February meeting was a success. Ray Hagerman presented a detailed overview of Innovation Station its uses and goals. I believe our beloved train station is in good hands with a secure future. Jim Pearson was able to “connect” to the wifi/media center giving us an outlet for power point/DVD/VHS etc. for our programs. And speaking of programs, Blair Terry will be presenting a program covering his rail related travels while Bill Farrell provides refreshments. A big nod goes to Alicia Terry for taking minutes during the February meeting in Bill Farrall’s absence.
I received an email from the National organization regarding National Membership renewal delays. As stated last month National is between 600 and 800 membership renewals behind. If you have not received a renewal notice from National, you can go online via National webpage and renew without the dues notice. As we have discussed numerous times, we do not collect National dues nor will the Chapter “police” the National dues. It is an honor system and we shall leave it at that! If you have not paid the Chapter dues for 2018, please do so at the next opportunity.
The recent National online publications and mailings do contain a plethora of information as well as discounts to museums, gift shops etc. The photography in these publications is splendid as are the stories. It is well worth ones time to visit the National Web Page. And while on the subject of Web Pages, Our own website guru Jim Pearson has kept the Chapter sight fresh and inviting…visit often.
I request of the Chapter that all Chapter email notices etc. be sent to VP Steve Miller and he to distribute same to the membership via the Chapter email provider. This will help maintain control of the newsletter, information and financial data. Two former members has asked to be removed from the list, there are names on the list that need updating and a few past members that are no longer living! This action will streamline our newsletter mailings and the work Steve is faced with on the Chapters behalf.
As I type this, the March photo contest is wrapping up. Please participate in the next contest. These photos are judged by the membership and will be presented in our next Chapter Calendar. It takes very little time or effort to snap a photo on a camera or phone. A simple and fun way to be involved with the Chapter. And remember, calendars can be purchased from the Chapter Website.
In closing, try to make the meeting Monday, we will have an excellent time I’m sure. And bring a guest…let’s grow our membership base.
Rick Bivins