“Like an ancient fossil, the imprint of a fallen leaf on a rusty rail preserves its image until the next train comes along.” That is a direct quote from the regular feature Final Frame in Railfan and Railroad Magazine, September 200l. No location is listed, and I don’t know Bradley McClelland the photographer. But, I’ll bet both are well east of the Mississippi. One of you horticulturists may ID the leaf.

I have to differ with the caption, in that the next train has already appeared. That shiny edge is the inside of the rail, probably on a curve to the left. Pretty much only the flange of the wheels made contact with the rail. On straight track more of the leaf image would have disappeared.
This is jointed rail, probably the typical 39′ length, as you can see one of the four rail bolts, with the nut showing. Just thought this was a neat twist to toss in a little of Mother Nature’s artwork this “Fall” week.