Kathy and I celebrated our 18th anniversary the weekend of April 8 by going to Bardstown KY and a ride on “My Old Kentucky Dinner Train” for the noon meal trip on April 7.

Our trip started out with snow and icy roads. My drive to Bardstown from Mortons Gap was, at times, white knuckle! Once we arrived and redeemed our vouchers, I walked around the old ex-L&N depot, looked over the model trains on display, took in the many prints on the wall and admired the remaining antique scale.  

Once on board the train and seated in car number 003, we chatted with our table mates Tyrell and NaTosha. No, I am not making this up! This newly wed couple had never ridden a train and seem to enjoy the event. Tyrell and I had some common ground and interests. 

The ride was nice. The track was surprisingly uneven for RJ Corman Railroad standards. But slow speed made the ride “real”! Kathy had a first time experience of walking on a moving train and laughed the whole time! The aforementioned snow made the view outside our window most pleasant.

On the return trip we were having dessert when I felt the generator change tone, vibrate…(l looked at Tyrell and he had the same look on his face I did. His experience as a mechanic told him what I felt to be as well) then…it died. Out went the lights, the AC and the noise was…no noise! 

Even though it was about 38 degrees outside by this time, with 60 plus people in our car it began to heat up quickly! Our train came to a stop, crew members arrived outside our window with tools. With in minutes we were on our way with lights and AC….and generator noise!

A high light for me was seeing the RJ Corman Railroad EMD F units run around our train at each end of the run.

The trip back was over in a flash it seamed. We left out passenger car for the open road…well, hi-ways 150 and 68 to Wilmore KY. and the Potters Inn B&B.

As for the meal…we ordered the Kentucky Hot Brown. Now, I grew up with Mom and Kathy’s KY Hot Brown served with brown gravy! I did not know the traditional KY Hot Brown has creamy cheesy… stuff on it! The quality was excellent. I did not like the meal which is no reflection on the cook or the train. The Apple Dumpling though…beyond good!

I doubt I will do the dinner train again unless for a really special occasion. I do however recommend same for anyone whom enjoys trains.



Ricky Bivins, Chapter President

     Greetings my fellow Western Kentucky NRHS Chapter members, welcome to a wet and cold April! My hasn’t the weather been strange?  Of course, strange and unusual is what we expect in Kentucky this time of year!

     There certainly was nothing strange about our meeting last month, March 19, 2018. We had an excellent time, Blair Terri presented a fabulous program on his travels out west. Bill Farrell made a return after his medical scare. With pizza for refreshments, along with homemade cookies, how could that possibly be strange?  Indeed a large time was had by all.

     If one takes the time to review the minutes provided by Bill Farrell of the March meeting, they would notice we have several events coming up. Please, check the newsletter and stay informed.

     Do not forget the Chapter calendars are available for purchase online. The photos within that calendar were taken by club members during the periodic photo contest. Jim Pearson has done a great job putting that calendar together so please, consider purchasing one. Jim will give us a quick rundown of the upcoming photo contest and time periods. Jim will also conduct the judging contest for the previous photo period.

     Once again we will be meeting at Innovation Station, which of course is the renovated L&N train station on Arch Street in Madisonville, Kentucky. Meeting time will be 7 PM. Refreshments by Will Kling and a program by Jim Pearson will follow a brief business meeting.  I hope to see you there and bring a friend.


Rick Bivins


Ricky Bivins, Chapter President

Greetings Western Kentucky Chapter Members!  The February meeting was a success. Ray Hagerman presented a detailed overview of Innovation Station its uses and goals. I believe our beloved train station is in good hands with a secure future. Jim Pearson was able to “connect” to the wifi/media center giving us an outlet for power point/DVD/VHS etc. for our programs. And speaking of programs, Blair Terry will be presenting a program covering his rail related travels while Bill Farrell provides refreshments. A big nod goes to Alicia Terry for taking minutes during the February meeting in Bill Farrall’s absence.

I received an email from the National organization regarding National Membership renewal delays. As stated last month National is between 600 and 800 membership renewals behind. If you have not received a renewal notice from National, you can go online via National webpage and renew without the dues notice. As we have discussed numerous times, we do not collect National dues nor will the Chapter “police” the National dues. It is an honor system and we shall leave it at that! If you have not paid the Chapter dues for 2018, please do so at the next opportunity.

The recent National online publications and mailings do contain a plethora of information as well as discounts to museums, gift shops etc. The photography in these publications is splendid as are the stories. It is well worth ones time to visit the National Web Page. And while on the subject of Web Pages, Our own website guru Jim Pearson has kept the Chapter sight fresh and inviting…visit often.

I request of the Chapter that all Chapter email notices etc. be sent to VP Steve Miller and he to distribute same to the membership via the Chapter email provider. This will help maintain control of the newsletter, information and financial data. Two former members has asked to be removed from the list, there are names on the list that need updating and a few past members that are no longer living! This action will streamline our newsletter mailings and the work Steve is faced with on the Chapters behalf.

As I type this, the March photo contest is wrapping up. Please participate in the next contest. These photos are judged by the membership and will be presented in our next Chapter Calendar. It takes very little time or effort to snap a photo on a camera or phone. A simple and fun way to be involved with the Chapter. And remember, calendars can be purchased from the Chapter Website.

In closing, try to make the meeting Monday, we will have an excellent time I’m sure. And bring a guest…let’s grow our membership base.

Rick Bivins


We proud to announce the winners of the chapter’s first contest of the year! This year we’re doing the contest a little bit different by having the membership present for the meeting to judge the contest winners by selecting the photograph that they like the best. We had 7 entries in the January 2018 contest and after the first round of judging we had our first place winner by Bill Grady of Union Pacific power pulling a train at Jeffersontown, Ky. We also found we had a six way tie for second place!!! So, in order to break that we did a rejudge of the six images and came up with a two way tie, which we decided to let stand. The final tie for 2nd place was between Bill Farrell and Ricky Bivins. 

Our next contest will be from March 1-15, 2018 with a Submission Deadline of March 22, 2018. This contest will be judged at the April 16th meeting.

Your entries, no more than two, should be emailed to Jim Pearson at jim@jimpearsonphotography.com

Below are the winning entries for January 2018

1st Place West Kentucky Chapter of the NRHS Photo Contest for January 2018 – Cold Temperatures keep the snow fresh as NS #167 with UP 8166 on the point is digging in to climb up the hill in Jeffersontown, KY. Photo by Bill Grady, 1-18-2018
2nd Place West Kentucky Chapter of the NRHS Photo Contest for January 2018 – CSXT, 5312 Southbound out of Hopkinsville, Ky after crossing over the Skyline crossing, on January 13, 2018 on the Henderson Subdivision, Photo by Bill Farrell
2nd Place West Kentucky Chapter of the NRHS Photo Contest for January 2018 – 2nd Place West Kentucky Chapter of the NRHS Photo Contest for January 2018 – A intermodal heads through Mortons Junction at at Mortons Gap, Ky as it heads south on the Henderson Subdivision on January 12, 2018
Ricky Bivins, Chapter President

Greetings fellow members. And welcome to February 2018. I am happy to report after talking with Bill Farrell, that he is doing well following open heart surgery where in he had five bypasses performed. He is following his doctors orders, his medical and exercise regime and of course Mrs. Farrell is keeping him at bay! We certainly hope to see Bill at the February meeting.

As you are well aware, inclement weather forced me to cancel the January meeting. I felt it was best for all parties involved. As a result, I will be hosting the February meeting as opposed to traditionally the January meeting.

Speaking of the Chapter meeting, we will meet at the Madisonville-Hopkins County Economic Development Corporation headquarters. Which happens to be the former L&N Railroad station in downtown Madisonville. Located on W. Arch St., Madisonville, this building has been repurposed by the City of Madisonville and is now called Innovation Station.

My guest for the evening will be Ray Hagerman, President of Madisonville-Hopkins County Economic Development Corporation. Ray will enlighten us as to the events developing Innovation Station The trials and frustrations and the ultimate success of the building not to mention the function of the building. This will be an interesting night. I plan to depart from our normal meeting criteria and give Ray the floor at 7 o’clock. Then we will have our business meeting and I will follow with a short video program entitled C&O 614, March to Hinton. This 30 minute video pits Ross Rowlands 614 against the Diesel Locomotive in the hills of Virginia and West Virginia. It is very entertaining.

Jim Pearson will have the results of our first 2018 Photo Contest. The next contest is March 1-15 with March 22 as the entry deadline. Make an effort to enter this Chapter event, even if only with a cell phone photo. Keep in mind, The Chapter Calendar showcases the photos from these yearly contests.

Be sure to check the recent NRHS News and NRHS Telegraph publications available online from the NRHS Website. There are several interesting articles therein with excellent photos. And while on the web sight, check out the other tabs available. A lot of work goes into the National Newsletter and is very well done.

The only old business I have is a reminder to pay dues. National as well as Chapter dues are…well..DUE! One can pay National Dues online with a credit card or via check. Chapter dues are to be paid to Bill Farrell by check or cash. In one of the National publications there was a note stating in the future National dues can be paid through the Chapter. That option is not yet available.

    New Business will address our meeting space, Program idea’s, Chapter trips etc. Etc. being anything the membership wishes to bring before the Chapter. Bill Farrell has suggested we drop the raffle as a fundraiser. Once he has presented the results of the Breakfast with Santa, Photos with the Polar Express Characters and the raffle, we will discuss this option.

    As always, Members can step up with programs, ideas and suggestions. Trips trackside or to a museum etc. This is train enthusiast group…let us make 2018 another banner year.


Ricky Bivins, Chapter President

Greetings fellow Western Kentucky Chapter, National Railway Historical Society members.  And here we find ourselves in 2018. I keep searching for an app on my phone that says “slow down time”! I have yet to find it, if you do please, let me know!

On a sad note, we lost friend and model train aficionado Jim Bengert last month. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.  The January 2018 meeting will be held in the former train station in downtown Madisonville.  We have been away from there for at least two years during a building renovation. Innovation Station as the structure is now called has been completely rebuilt and re-purposed. Madisonville Hopkins County Economic Development Corporation President Ray Hagerman will be my guest speaker. Ray will enlighten us to the changes, needs and future of our favorite train station.

Keep in mind our new officers will take office this month as well with the only change being Bill Farrell assuming the role of treasurer and secretary.

As I am sure you are aware by now, I took measures to cancel the Christmas show last month. Bill Farrell had a serious medical scare and I did not want to place any undue stress on him. Being as Bill is truly 90 percent of the Christmas show, I felt it to be a necessary move.

The breakfast with Santa event was held December 16, 2017 and was well received. Bill will have a full report on same as well as the raffle.

The only old business I have is a reminder to pay dues. National as well as Chapter dues are…well..DUE! One can pay National Dues online with a credit card or via check. Chapter dues are to be paid to Bill Farrell by check or cash. In one of the National publications there was a note stating in the future National dues can be paid through the Chapter. That option is not yet available.

New Business will address our meeting space, Program idea’s, Chapter trips etc. Etc. being anything the membership wishes to bring before the Chapter. Bill Farrell has suggested we drop the raffle as a fundraiser. Once he has presented the results of the Breakfast with Santa, Photos with the Polar Express Characters and the raffle, we will discuss this option.

As always, Members can step up with programs, ideas and suggestions. Trips trackside or to a museum etc. This is train enthusiast group…let us make 2018 another banner year.

Ricky Bivins, President    


Ricky Bivins, Chapter President

Greetings fellow Western Kentucky Chapter, NRHS members. And here we find ourselves in November 2017, a busy month for many people especially us! The October meeting was one for the books. The business portion went well, the refreshments were spot on and the program was GREAT. If you missed the meeting…you missed a good one!  Bill Ferrall will have a full report on the Breakfast with Santa event coming up, I’m sure you all reviewed the circular Bill printed up.

Let’s make this a banner event for our Chapter. Bill will also have a report on the modular layout portion of the Christmas show.

November always brings elections for the forthcoming year. Jim Kemp was nominated as president, I will stand as a nominee as well.

However, if Jim does not declined the nomination this month I will withdraw. I feel change is always good and Jim will do a great job.

Wally has stated he would like to take a break from the secretary position and as a result Bill Ferrall was nominated along with treasure. The national bylaws allows the secretary and treasurer position to be held by the same member. I believe this will work out very well and will give Wally a much earned break.

The annul Christmas dinner will be held December 2nd, at the residence of Steve & Marilyn Miller. Steve will have details and a report on “what to bring” to the dinner. Steve and Marilyn are excellent hosts and Steve promises to have trains running in the basement. This will be a most enjoyable evening.

I will have a report on the meeting space in the former L&N RR Depot which may be available to us as soon as January. The building has undergone an extensive remodeling….albeit having lost some of its Railroad Character, the station is finally well preserved.

Please plan to attend the meeting, November 20, 2017. We will meet at the Hopkins County Government Center on North Main Street, Madisonville KY, at 7:00PM.




Ricky Bivins, Chapter President

Greetings fellow NRHS members, and here we find ourselves at the beginning of October! September was a good month for our group, we had an excellent September meeting at Bill and Angela Thomas’ home with hotdogs on the grill, Gauge One trains in the garden and a good time had by all. September also saw our annual outing to Crofton Kentucky trackside at the Veterans Park with a good day of train watching, food on the grill thanks to Bill Ferrall, fellowship and more trains. What could be better?

As I commented a month prior,  October is our annual call for officers. In November we will hold elections for the upcoming 2018 calendar year. If you have an officer candidate in mind or if you would like to hold an office yourself, speak up at this meeting and get your name on the “official ballot”!

I look forward to a report from our Christmas show committee this meeting. We need to get the ball rolling on this. Last year we had an enjoyable time at the Parkway Plaza Mall with the modular layout as well as the other events we had. As I understand Bill and his gang have a bang up event planned for the 2017 Christmas season!

It has been discussed at several previous meetings that our group go on some sort of outing. Fall is a great time for this although a busy time for many. If you have a trip in mind be it long distance, short distance or what ever, by all means speak up. We need to become more vocal about this.

We should have several other items of business this month that we will touch on quickly in the business meeting. If you have other thoughts or ideas bring them forward, we will discuss them of course. Meanwhile, make plans to be at the meeting on Monday, October 16, 2017 and bring a guest, bring a show-n-tell item and bring a raffle item.  I hope to see you there.

Below are the winning entries from our August 2017 Chapter Photo Contest from a field of nine entries. Our next and last contest of the year will run from November 1-31, 2017 with a Submission Deadline of December 7, 2017

1st Place, August 2017 – CSX Q504 is headed Northbound on the street running at LaGrange, KY on August 5th 2017. The folks in their cars seem like they don’t care, but they know it is coming. Photograph by Bill Grady
2nd Place, August 2017 – A surprise on CSX Train Q647 today as it comes through the work zone, as UP #6815 sports fresh paint leading the way at Nortonville, KY on 8-12-2017. Photograph by Bill Grady
3rd Place, August 2017 – CSX sets out track ties with a “Freightliner” locomotive! South bound at Mortons Gap KY. August 7, 2017. – Photograph by Rick Bivins


Ricky Bivins, Chapter President

Greetings fellow NRHS members. My what a busy summer. I’m sure yours has been as busy as mine. If you have one blade of grass there’s another million and all of them need to be cut!

Our meeting last month at the Hopkins County Government Center was very productive. We had visitors from Nashville Steam on hand with an excellent program and “questions and answers” session. After which we reconvene and voted to donate $500 to their effort from the Chapter treasury. An additional $200 was donated from members. I look forward to seeing and hearing the Yellow Jacket in operation.

National has a full set of articles covering the convention in Nashville Tennessee. There was a lot of enjoyable trip’s and everything was well patronized. In those articles lies some information pertaining to the National organization. You can go to the NRHS national website and access them via the administrative tab on the lower area of the homepage for the National Organization. Along with those articles are serval additional subjects and many photographs. All very good reading and very good quality.

Our August meeting I’m sure we’ll have a few stories of the upcoming eclipse which would have been over a few hours by meeting time. Additionally, we will review the program Bill Ferrall was going to present two months ago. Due to technical difficulties we were unable to view his program at that time.

We will also confirm the date and time for the annual Chapter picnic at the veterans grounds in Crofton Kentucky. This is always an enjoyable event.

Additionally, we will be discussing the Christmas dinner at the home of Steve and Marilyn Miller a top Billy Goat Hill Road in Hopkinsville Kentucky. This was the most enjoyable venue last year for those that attended. And speaking of Christmas, Bill Ferrall and Jim Kemp will have a precursor to our Christmas show this year. The show last year was very well received and this year promises to have even more impact.

We will touch base with Jim Pearson on the upcoming photo contest and ideas for the Chapter calendar as well.

Please make an effort to attend the meeting on Monday, August 21, 2017 at the Hopkins County Justice Center on North Main St., Madisonville, KY.. Bring a friend, a show and tell item and a raffle item as well. I hope to see you there.