The 2008 Convention of the L&N Historical Society was a weekend to savor for months, and maybe even years, to come. The first indication that this might be something special was in the registration packet. The Convention headquarters was to be the Grand Vista Hotel and Suites in Vanore, TN. The accommodations were to include a complimentary breakfast – real cooked stuff like eggs, sausage, biscuits, bacon, etc. – and a managers complimentary beer in the evening with seconds at only $2, and all this for only $69 per night. When Shirley and I arrived Thursday afternoon (September 18) we were pleased to see a nearly new facility with spacious and comfortable rooms and a separate but very convenient conference center for Convention activities.
Our Chapter was well represented. In addition to Shirley and I, Keith Kittinger, David Millen, Bill Grady and Al and Cheryl Fraser were in attendance. A surprise was a complimentary buffet meal along with the free beer on Thursday evening. Model clinics and slide shows completed the evening activities.
Friday was the featured event of the Convention, a rail trip over the L&N old line from just south of Etowah, TN over the “eye” portion of the “Hook and Eye” line to Copper Hill on the Tennessee Georgia border. The line follows the Hiwassee River to Bald Mountain where the line makes nearly two complete circles around the mountain and crosses over itself as it gains to summit at Farner. The scenery on the line is spectacular. Our three car train was pulled by a TVRM GP10 in red and gold NC&StL paint. We enjoyed a 90 minute layover at Copper Hil with plenty of time for a bit of shopping and lunch. The trip offered several good photo stops for both static display and photo runbys. Perfect weather and an unhurried schedule made for a near perfect day. In the evening more clinics and historical slide presentations completed the days activities.

Saturday activities included Model exhibits and swap meet, some free time for railfanning and more clinics and slide shows. The evening banquet was excellent and the program was a superb Ron Flanary digital show on the L&N in the Appalachians. The evening continued with a couple of multi-media presentations and members slides.
The regular Sunday program featured only a Board of Directors meeting but arrangements had been made for a charter trip at the Southern Appalachian Railway Museum at Oak Ridge, TN. The trip used 3 cars, a coach, a diner and baggage car (refreshments and souiviniers) and pulled by the suprise of the day – a beautifully restored L&N ALCO C-420 1315 in fresh grey and yellow paint. There were several photo runbys as the train went from the Wheat station at the Heritage Center to the NS (Southern) connection at Blair, TN. and return. An unrestored L&N GP30 also assisted in the trip. The ALCO performed beautifully and the crew goosed the engine on the runbys to provide the typical ALCO smoke. The guys were pinching themselves to make sure they were really alive and not back some 40 years in a dream world. Some of the troops stayed for a short photo freight and possibly some night shooting. Shirley and I left after the regular trip and headed home with a head full of fond memories and a camera filled with some 200 digital images. All in all a perfect weekend. A special thanks to Dave Oroszi, Scott Lindsey and Keith Kittinger for all the arrangements – GREAT JOB GUYS!!