Our Chapter’s 2019 Calendar is now available online for purchase. It contains the winning photos from our membership from our photo contests this year. Follow the link to purchase one and support our chapter! They are $14.00 each and just in time for Christmas! You may purchase copies here: http://www.lulu.com/…/2019-w…/calendar/product-23880274.html
Don’t forget to join us for the West Kentucky Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society’s annual chapter picnic in Crofton, Ky next to the fire station. Any time after 9:00 am until ????? We will be grilling out with a coffee can for donations toward the food. Please bring your own chair and we will have three tables on site. Park you car out front of Veterans Park and walk back to the tracks unless you are handicapped. If so, you may park closer to the picnic area. Drive around in front of the fire station and we’ll find you a spot.
We hope that CSX will be good to us and provide us with lots of trains along the Henderson Subdivision! Weatherman is calling for a sunny day with only a 10% of rain so it should be a great fall day for watching and photographing trains! Don’t forget that it’s the last day you can shoot pictures for our members only September chapter photo contest! Entries are due by the 7th of October! We all hope to see you there!!!
Thanks to the hard work of Chapter Member Steve Miller and a lot of other folks our chapters photography archive and Pennyrail newsletters are now online and available to the general public! If you have historic images that you think fit into one of our sections please contact Steve by clicking on this LINK Here. You may visit the Archive by following the link above on the menu or click on the graphic.
We will have our chapter member photo contest from April 1-8th for shooting and email your entry(s) (no more than two entries per member) to Jim Pearson by the 12th of April. Open subject as long as it’s train related. You have to be a chapter member to participate.
There is no submission for this feature this month. If you have a “spot” you’d like to submit, please do so. Get a photo that does not reveal the location. If you have an old photo but it contains the location, drop it off at Coldwell Banker Terry & Associates, 1096 North Main St, Madisonville, and I will scan it, then return the photo to you. I can “fuzz” out the identity if necessary. Please put your photo in an envelop clearly marked with my name, your name, phone number, email, etc. Mona Forker, our receptionist will put it in my mail box. You can email me a JPG of the photo also at: billtrainthomas@gmail.com
CSX Heritage unit! SCL no less. February 20, 2016 . – photo by Ricky Bivins
From Rick Bivins
Western Kentucky Chapter,
NRHS Chapter Representative.
Greetings Chapter Members,
As members of NRHS we have chosen to uphold the Charter requirements and by-laws of membership, both National by-laws and our own Chapter by-laws. The National by-laws can be found on the National web-site….not easily but they can be found. Wally Watts should have a copy or can produce a copy of the Chapter by-laws if requested. Our Charter was let in early 1985 and is still in effect even though the National organization has struggled. I was a member of NRHS before the Western Kentucky Chapter was formed….I chose to remain a member through thick and thin. I want my 50 year pin!
I begin with the above as much talk has been made of dropping our National Affiliation. Some members have voiced lack of return for their money….not true! For the money, via the National web-site, Facebook, Twitter, other forms of media and good old fashioned pen and paper, much can be obtained from National. The NRHS Bulletin has been on line for many years. Recently, the Bulletin has been published (again) in magazine form. The NRHS video library is extensive as well as the photo archive. One must put forth some effort to make use of these resources but they are worthy of time and postage. Or just browsing on-line!
So please, if you as a member are discouraged or dissatisfied with the NRHS and feel there isn’t enough “bang for the buck”….take time to see if you are missing something. You may be surprised to learn that, indeed, you are.
The easiest way to access NRHS via the internet is to open a web based browser and type NRHS. Ignore the North Rochelle High School page!!!!! And choose the second offering!
From left to right, Rick Bivins, Donny Knight, Thomas Bryan,Keith Kittenger, Steve Miller, Wally Watts and Rich Hanes enjoy conversation while rail fanning at Sebree Springs Park on March 20, 2014. -Jim Pearson
The somewhat annual Western Kentucky Chapter, National Railway Historical Society Christmas Dinner was held December 13 (Friday the Thirteenth!) at 6:00 PM as planned. My lovely and understanding wife Kathy and I were both very apprehensive at first but as the evening went on we realize how nice and enjoyable it was to show off our home. The food being pot luck style was as expected, exceptional. The conversations and periods of entertainment (trains via CSX) was a lot of fun. I am very happy as to the results and efforts made by so many. While everyone said in one form or another, “Thank You”, I am the one that must say Thank YOU, for a delightful evening.
Those in attendance were: (I think this is a complete list).
Donnie & Betty Knight, Bill & Mrs. Ferrell and Blair, Steve & Marilyn Miller, Rich & Karen Hane, Keith & Allyson Kittinger, Chuck & Shirley Hinrichs, Jim & Kathy Kemp, Birk Fischer, Matt Gentry, Tom Johnson, Bill Thomas, Jim Pearson, Kathy and Rick Bivins.
If I left someone out please speak up at the next meeting. Again, Thank You from Kathy and Rick Bivins
This is the food list members are bringing to the Christmas dinner at Ricky Bivin’s house on December 13, 2013. If anyone wants to bring anything not on the list please let Ricky know as soon as possible.
Rick and Kathy Bivins will provide Turkey and Dressing and dinner rolls
Matt Gentry will treat us with a Boston Butt
Wally Watts will bring soda
Wallace Henderson will bring cup cakes
Donny and Betty Knight will bring baked beans and pie
Tom Johnson will bring green pea salad
Birk Fisher will bring plates and utensils
Bill Thomas will bring apple pie
Steve and Marilyn Miller will bring green bean casserole
Chuck and Shirley Hinrichs will bring cranberries
Rich and Karen Hanes will bring a sweet potato casserole