The winners for our January 2024 photo contest were Bill Grady for 1st 2nd, Place. Congratulations to you Bill and our next contest will run the full month of May 2024!

Other March 2024 Contest Entries

The winners for our January 2024 photo contest were Bill Grady for 1st 2nd, Place. Congratulations to you Bill and our next contest will run the full month of May 2024!
Other March 2024 Contest Entries
Below, a UP Northbound Stack Train is on a roll through Scott City, Missouri on the
morning of August 29, 2021. The last shot of UP 4014 was made as it crossed over the Kaskaska
River just north of Chester, Illinois on the afternoon of August 29, 2021 Photos by
Bill Grady Photo by Bill Grady
CSX #3245 is in charge of the CSX E321-18 as he is about to finish crossing the Tennessee River and enter Bridgeport, Alabama on a fine late sun evening. Photo by Bill Grady.
We proud to announce the winners of the chapter’s first contest of the year! This year we’re doing the contest a little bit different by having the membership present for the meeting to judge the contest winners by selecting the photograph that they like the best. We had 7 entries in the January 2018 contest and after the first round of judging we had our first place winner by Bill Grady of Union Pacific power pulling a train at Jeffersontown, Ky. We also found we had a six way tie for second place!!! So, in order to break that we did a rejudge of the six images and came up with a two way tie, which we decided to let stand. The final tie for 2nd place was between Bill Farrell and Ricky Bivins.
Our next contest will be from March 1-15, 2018 with a Submission Deadline of March 22, 2018. This contest will be judged at the April 16th meeting.
Your entries, no more than two, should be emailed to Jim Pearson at
Below are the winning entries for January 2018
Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad Locomotive 487 is pulling an Engineer Training School Freight Eastbound at Dalton, New Mexico on October 4, 2017.
Bill Grady and Lee Gordon Spent 4 days on the C&TS riding and railfanning this incredible railroad in the peak of fall color in New Mexico and Colorado. Then spent 4 more days on the BNSF and UP in New Mexico and Arizona.
Photo by Bill Grady
Below are the winning entries from our August 2017 Chapter Photo Contest from a field of nine entries. Our next and last contest of the year will run from November 1-31, 2017 with a Submission Deadline of December 7, 2017
First Place, Bill Grady – With the Top Brass on board, NS #950 arrives about 5:30 in the afternoon after an all day trip from St. Louis. Shown here arriving at the North End of NS’s Youngstown Yard (Louisville). Tomorrow the #950 will run like a scalded dog to Knoxville, Tennessee. Shot made on October 4, 2016.