Several members nailed the September location as looking east at Nortonville, KY, on the KY Division of the IC crossing the L&N. Ricky Bivins, Bob McCracken, Chuck Hinrichs, and Bill Grady get the notoriety this month.
by Ricky Bivins, Chapter President
Fall is in the air…the trees are displaying their colors and trains are in the news, our news anyway. Since we last met in September, our Chapter has gathered at Crofton KY, for the annual Picnic. The event was first called off due to threatening weather but the morning of October 6th dawned clear, cool and windy. Several members phoned and emailed me about going. I had already decided to go anyway just in case someone did not get the news. After getting a few calls I decided to reinstate the event and made calls, sent emails and hoped for the best. In so doing several members turned out and a great time was had. No less than 12 trains were viewed. (Depending on when one arrived). As a hind sight, one member did not attend simply because he did not have contact info for the membership. As a result I ask Tom Johnson to get in touch with Wally Watts and advance our membership roster effort. This may very well be completed by meeting night, Monday October 22th.
As a side note, of the trains we saw from our viewing stand in Crofton, not a single example of foreign motive power was seen. All CSX…which is odd. One usually sees a few locomotives from other railroads. Another note, the other “part” of the day in Crofton involved food. Surprised? Some members brought their lunch while others partook of the local eating options. A case in point. Most deli style sandwiches are $2.00 or more. Sometimes though I just do not want much to eat and the “picnic” at Crofton was one of those days. So….I asked the deli at Huck’s Store how much a pepper cheese sammich would cost. They had no idea…..never heard of such a thing etc. Birk Fisher offered to pay for my “meal”; he ended up paying a whole dollar for my lunch! We had a great time even though I am sure more members would have been there had the weather not been incorrectly predicted.
The trip to Paducah and Mayfield is still on hold. We should have an update Monday. We need input from the membership as to changing our meeting time. We currently meet at 7:00 PM, it was discussed changing the meeting time to 6:00 PM to accommodate members whom drive some distance to attend. Of the members present at the September meeting, a full two-thirds were from out of town! This topic will be discussed Monday.
October brings us up to election time. November will be election night; October will see nominations for officers. I will address each office and call for nominations three times in October and the same in November. Every member is eligible for office. AND…I want this known….A Member can nominate one’s self!!! If you want to be an officer…SPEAK UP.
With that said….the Chapter may need to nominate a candidate for the office of President!
I hope to see you Monday Night, October 22nd, 7:00 PM, down at the station in Madisonville KY.
Title | B&O Odyssey Volume 1 and B&O Odyssey Volume 2 (bought as set) |
Producer | Pentrex |
Format | DVD Full Screen |
Playing Time | 1 hr each |
Purchased From | Train Video Depot |
Date Purchased | 1/10/2011 |
Price Paid | $35.95 |
B&O Odyssey Volumes 1 and 2 can be purchased separately but I bought them as a set. Volume 1 covers the time period from 1954 to 1964 and Volume 2 covers 1965 to 1968. The picture quality is amazingly good considering the scenes were shot in the 1950s and 1960s. There has obviously been some digital enhancing and it was done well.
The Baltimore & Ohio is one of the oldest railroads in the U.S. and it is our nation’s first common carrier railroad.
Early scenes include action from May 1954 in Youngstown, Ohio, and a September 1954 visit to the ore docks at Lorain, Ohio, where we see an ore boat being unloaded by a Hulett unloading machine. The Hulett unloads the taconite directly onto gondola cars from the compartments in the hold of the ore boat. These machines made unloading an ore boat a five to ten hour job whereas it previously could have taken days. You might enjoy doing a little research on these machines. Here a YouTube video of a Hulett in opertaion.
At Toledo we see some 2-10-2’s called “Big Sixes” because they were numbered in the 6000 series and we also see some 0-8-0 switchers in Rossburg Yard.
The last steam locos are seen at about twenty minutes into Volume 1. Near the end of Volume 1 the merger of the B&O with the C&O occurs.
Volume 2 is OK but it is not as interesting as Volume 1 with the good steam action. My advice would be to get Volume 1 and if you find the content toward the end to be interesting, then you might consider getting Volume 2.
Hello Rail Friends. September is upon us and is a time to reflect. We lost Dennis Carnal one year ago this month, Our Nation lost even more eleven years ago this month, we somewhat celebrate summer’s closure with the Labor Day Weekend and much more.
At this writing, September has been a good month for me. Several Chapter Members attended the Old Tyme Train Show in Evansville, IN on Saturday September 15th. Wally Watts, Jim & Thomas Bryan, were in attendance as were other members and friends. Steve Miller and I made the trip, visited with event goers and had a good time. And yes I bought something; a Lionel Die cast Girder Bridge.
Afterwards Steve and I headed further North to Princeton IN and the CSX/NS diamond located within the city. We saw several trains of both railroads and a few Union Pacific re-route’s from/to New Orleans. Union Pacific has experienced several track issues among the Gulf States following the hurricane a few weeks ago. The Tropicana Juice train being one of the trains affected has been running CSX rails from New Orleans to Vincennes IN. From there it travels west via the old B&O RR to St. Louis and then to California on home rails. I have seen it several times….what a sight. Also sighted in Princeton and not normally seen in Morton’s Gap KY. were solid auto rack trains. One such train on CSX was south bound with a load of Dodge Ram trucks…hummmm….do you think the trucks snubbed the Toyota plant at Princeton as the went past?
Our program presenter and guest for last month was David Hayes of Owensboro. David gave a delightful presentation on the Florida East Coast RR’s Key West Extension. FEC is a survivor railroad, surviving merger mania, hurricanes and politics while serving a rather small region in only one state! Bravo David and many thanks.
Our trip to Mayfield and Paducah are still in the works….many I’s must be dotted and T’s crossed before we have a firm date. Kudos to Rich Hane and Chuck Henrichs for their hard word. Once a date and time are settled upon, I am sure we will not be disappointed.
After talking with the officers of our Chapter, we have concluded an active display in the Parkway Plaza Mall for the Christmas Season would stretch our volunteer resources too far. However, if a Mall Display Cabinet is still available, we may consider a static display. Along those same lines, The City of Guthrie KY. may have a transportation museum in the works or so we have heard. If so and should we be called upon, a museum is a great place to set up a display of some sort. We currently have one in Hopkinsville KY and Nortonville KY. I would welcome any input from the Chapter on this subject.
Coming up next month on October 6, 2012 will be the annual Crofton Picnic hosted by our Hopkinsville KY. Members. This is always a great time and CSX provides one source of entertainment. Come if you can and I ask that we do not park on the grass. There is or was a sign near the pavilion requesting just that. Crofton has a very nice Veteran’s Park that is well maintained and has (for us) the perfect location! Please show some respect and abide by their rules.
As Wally notes in the minutes, Jim & Thomas Bryan will provide refreshments in the form of their annual fish fry. Jim & Thomas are avid anglers and we certainly profit from their efforts. Dr. Bill Thomas will have the program which at last contact with Bill may be a guest but that is still in the works.
SO…Members…make your way to Madisonville KY. Monday September 24, 2012 for what promises to be an enjoyable night of food and railroad camaraderie. And bring a guest.
For Sale: Missouri Pacific diesels blue and silver paint scheme. 3 engines are brand new, box never opened, Proto 2000 Series, $50 each. 1. GP7 Missouri Pacific cab #4121; 2. GP7 Missouri Pacific cab #4255 w/steam generator, air tanks on the roof; 3. BL2 Missouri Pacific cab # 4104. Contact Rich Hane (270) 836-6169.
Free to Good Home: Pictured below left: About six months old female Pit or mix. Spayed, rabies shot and a distemper/parvo shot. House broken and smart. Sweet personality and gets along with people and with other dogs. Contact Tommy Johnson tsjay49@earthlink.net.
Sale Pending: Various garden RR equipment, rolling stock, track, and structures. Will be ready to sell after inventory is complete. Contact Bob McCracken (270) 584-3340.
Chapter members Ricky Bivins and Steve Miller enjoy and afternoon in Princeton, IN. CSX also made an appearance.
We wish to express our sympathy to the family of Chris Dees on the passing of his father John Dees, September 2, 2012, of Calvert City, KY.
Can you believe it? Effective 12:03 AM, on Tues. Sept. 4, 2012, the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) ended the use of train orders, the flimsies of fact and fiction. Since the LIRR was the LAST US road to use them, this ends a long chapter in American railroading.
The first train order was written in the fall of 1851 on the New York & Erie at Turner’s (now Harriman) NY. Charles Minot, NY&E’s General Supt., was on an westbound passenger train holding for an eastbound to clear the single-track from Goshen. When it became obvious the eastbound was late, Minot used the newly-installed telegraph line to wire Goshen and order that when the tardy eastbound train finally arrived it was to be held until Minot’s westbound got there. Minot provided his conductor with written authorization to move against the timetable and the train order was born.
Now 161 years later that era ended as the last order was issued to LIRR Train 8743 for a speed restriction over Ocean Ave in Patchogue, NY. The LIRR has replaced the Form 19 flimsy with the Form L, a kind of combination flimsy and track warrant.
Ironically Patchogue is only about 100 air miles from Harriman where the FIRST order was written.
We will make this one easy since we are just beginning this series. This location is well-known to locals living in the area of the two competing lines which both served the area with brisk passenger trains and many coal drags. Unfortunately one of these tracks was torn up partially due to duplication of the route in the early 20th century. Fred Ripley was the first to guess correctly in last month’s mystery spot. Remington, IN, on the former TP&W. The lift facility was built in the early 80s in hopes of expanding intermodal traffic but that never developed. The AT&SF absorbed then sold it off.
If you think you know the location (city and state) of our mystery photo, send your answer to me via email: bill@fbcmadisonville.com, or mail to Bill Thomas, 1025 Lakewood Dr., Madisonville, KY 42431. Correct responses will be placed in a pool drawing in December for a small but meaningful prize. Notoriety will also be included.