Train Rides on the Hoosier Southern (ex-Southern) Tell City, IN to Lincoln City, IN during the Fall of 2016

The Scenic Lincoln Way is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to welcoming tourists to the historic land of President Abraham Lincoln’s childhood in Spencer and Perry Counties in Southern Indiana.  This is over the Hoosier Southern (ex-Southern) Tell City, Indiana branch east of Evansville, Indiana.

Past events have traveled west out of Tell City to approximately Troy, Indiana.  The September trip should be from Tell City to Lincoln City (most of the route).  Suspect equipment is borrowed from the nearby City of Jasper and/or Indiana Railway Museum.


2016 Excursion Train Rides

October 2016—Fall and Zombie-themed rides. Details coming soon!

December 2016—Holiday Excursions—Details coming soon!


Submitted by Don Clayton


Yates Center Kansas boasts “more hay shipped from this point then any other town in the United States!

“Buffalo Kansas, more ancient fire arms and implements of war here then anyplace west of Chicago; and, one of the largest brick plants in the west”!

Next is “Neodesha Kansas, the one time home of the Notorious Bender Family” and 3500 other people in 1914. 2486 residents in 2010!  Neodesha was also “the largest oil refinery in the west, using 60,000 barrels crude petroleum per day”!

There are two accounts of the name. One is the Osage Indian meaning “where waters meet” another meaning “muddy waters”!

“Cherokee Indians” tells about the Cherokee Indians being the only Native Americans to have “an alphabet of their own and a printed language “! As well as the only Indian Newspaper ever printed!

I will continue this’s synopsis next month.

If you are interested in reading the book, It is available as an electronic file for purchase via Amazon.

Rick Bivins.    


picture610 Tips for photographing trains by Jim Pearson

While this is by no means a compressive list of ways to photograph trains, these ten tips will help get you started. I hope these will provide you with some inspiration. If you just shoot a photo carelessly you’ll get a careless snapshot. You need to bring something of yourself to photo for it to be successful.

¨ Capture Movement: Railroads are a moving industry. While at times it’s a hurry-up and wait industry, you often will find trains in motion. If you capture that movement in your photo it will add drama to your photographs. To capture movement or motion in your photos you’ll need a slow shutter speed and probably a tripod. Shooting just before sunrise or after sunset will give you the low light you’ll need to capture motion blur.

¨ The Light: Usually the hour just after sunset or sunset are great to photograph in, but great light can be found anytime day or night, but these two hours are considered the best and predictable.

¨ Photograph the cars:  Of course everyone photographs the engines and cabooses, which are loud and often colorful, however, most of the train consists of cars that can be colorful and large. Trains are rolling canvases and many punks and malcontents, and the graffiti they leave behind can often be interesting. Finding creative visuals among the spray paint can be rewarding.

¨ Change your angle: Look for moments where you can photograph trains from different angles. Get high, low and move around when shooting. Look for high vantage points such as overpasses, tunnels and curves. This will add impact to your photos.

¨ Be Contextual: Railroads provide a service for other industries. By capturing the industries, they serve, you tell a much bigger story of what trains are about. While they’re big, they’re actually pretty small compared to the large refineries, plants, etc., that generate the freight.

¨ Photograph the infrastructure: Railroads need rails, signals and a host of other infrastructures in order to operate. You can add interest to your pictures be capturing photos of these things such as switches, bolts, couplers or rails.

¨ Add human interest: People like seeing photos of people so look for opportunities to include them in your pictures. This includes spectators and workers.

¨ Sometimes less is more: Don’t think you always need trains in your photos! Tracks leading off into the sunrise or sunset make for some great photos. Don’t pass on a good photo just because there’s no train.

¨ Edit Creatively: Try inverting your photos, use creative filters, create multiple exposures and just play around with your software to come up with creative compositions.

¨ Use a different camera: It seems like everyone has a DSLR these days. They become better, cheaper and smarter every year. However, sometimes they’re too clean and bland. Spend $20 and buy a Holga film camera. Buy some camera apps for your phone that provide creative options, such as Hipstamatic, Painteresque or Plastic Bullet, just to name a few.

¨ Remember, you have to be creative. You have to think about what you’re creating and somehow give that a voice. There are really no rules and the camera really makes no difference. There’s only you, the one that does the creating! It the person behind the camera that “Makes’ the photo and that’s you!


We have several things to cover in this column, so let’s get started.

First, the club picnic went well and everyone who attended seemed to have a great time. The only down side was the heat and the flies.  I now know why the club moved it to the second week in October. I don’t know if I want to cook or freeze. The membership will have to think about a date for next year’s picnic. The location is just great and I can’t think of another place along the main line that would better.

Next, we have just finished the last photo contest of the year. I hope everyone has enjoyed getting out and taking pictures of trains in action. Our plan is to take the top three pictures from each contest and develop a club calendar for 2017. This calendar will be available to the membership as well to individuals on line. Jim Pearson said we might make a little money on this project from the online sales. I hope all our club members plan on purchasing at least one calendar for the new year.

Third, in our September meeting we found out that the liability insurance policy had tripled in cost. I have been in touch with a company in Madisonville who is supposed to give us a new quote. With a little luck maybe we can get the cost of a new policy down to something the club can manage.

Finally, we have nominations for our 2017 club officers in the October meeting. We have many qualified individuals in the membership who could serve our organization well. Take a little time and think of someone that might do a good job as an officer of our organization. The positions we are nominating for are; President, Vice President, Sec/Treas. and Officer at Large.

Until the meeting– get out, enjoy the weather and chase a train. Oh, and when you see Bill Thomas tell him he is doing a great job with the “PennyRail” news letter.

Bill Farrell, President    


Picking the PointsOpinions and Stories by Bill Thomas, Editor

My middle child, Liam, is fast approaching the date he can take his driving test and have his own driver’s license – on the road!  It reminds me of the day I turned 16!  In the great state of Georgia, you got your learners license at 15, then you could take your driving test upon your 16th birthday or soon thereafter since the GA State Patrol Examiner was in Ellijay only on Wednesdays. 

      Most 16-year-olds made their first trips “alone” to a friend’s house, the Dairy Queen, or other spot where his peers would be impressed.  Not this one!  Nope!  Off to the “new line” I went.  About 30 miles west of my house was L&N’s flat and straight route that replaced the Hook & Eye line in 1916. 

Still full of U-boats and a few Grey/Yellow L&N paint schemes, the Family Lines’ more-level route paralleling US 411 was a great stretch to chase with a new Yashica SLR in a 1974 Pontiac Bonneville.

First was the drive straight to Etowah, TN, division point, yard, and engine facility.  Long I had passed this huge wood-frame station and facility in my parents car (now my car) on the way to Gatlinburg, hoping for glimpses of anything moving.  Now, I could visit as long as I wanted. 

Keep in mind, this was 1979, when most RR workers welcomed you in for a tour if you showed interest.  The tour never materialized, but, crews loved having their pictures made.  After walking around and getting some shots, it was time to head back south.  I caught a couple of freights on the south ready tracks and for the next 60 miles or so, got ahead of them, shot them in pre-determined locations, then repeated the process.

If I can ever find the photo, I’ll scan and post the one that almost got away.  In a foolish attempt to get one last shot on an overpass just south of Chatsworth, GA, I climbed the north side embankment, crossed the RR overpass on foot, turned just in time to catch the southbound in low throttle, gliding downhill, rounding the curve and giving me short blasts as a warning.  I got the shot but probably gave the crew an anxious moment.  By then they’d seen me trackside 3 or 4 times.  They gave me a congratulatory thumbs up as they rolled by.  Sure miss those days.


On August 20 my wife and I spent the last day of one of our Kentucky mini vacations at the Bluegrass Railway Museum in Versailles, KY.  We have  been there before and it is a nice operation on some L&N track between Frankfort and Lexington KY.  Young’s High Bridge is visible at the end of the present line over the Kentucky River.

We rode first class in an air conditioned ex California Zephyr car which was in great condition. The 4 car train was pulled by an 0-6-0 saddle tank steam engine built in 1931 by the
Worth Iron Works in North Wales, PA. This engine also worked at the Lehigh Valley Coal Company at the Hazelton Shaft Colliery.

The retired fellow who bought and restored the engine takes it around to railroad museums as a fund raiser for the museum and a hobby for him. He was at Versailles for 2 weekends for a total of 8 trips on their tracks. There was a nice photo runbye, too. The coal was lifted into the coal bin in 5 gallon buckets. It was a fun day and the engine ran great.

The museum has several operating layouts (O, HO, & N gauge) along with great photos, tools, real train equipment, gift shop, displays, and several diesels. Their website is  Rich Hane

picture17This month we’re going to take a look at the free, yes I said free, app for editing your photos on iPhone, Android, Mac and the PC. The app was originally developed by NIK Software, but has since been bought out by Google, which distributes it. You can find it available in the app store or by searching on Google.

This is my go to app for editing pictures that I shoot on my iPhone 6s when I’m out trackside or anywhere else taking photos. It’s super easy to use and there’s tutorials available all over the web. I’ll provide links to some at the end of this column. Also, I’ll provide a brief overview for you in this column.

When you first open Snapseed you’ll get the opening screen which prompts you to select and open the image you want to work with. You have several options. You can choose a photo from your camera roll, or whatever your device calls it, take a photo with the camera, open your latest image or paste in a copied image.

picture18Once the image is open you’ll notice several options at the top of your screen which are Open, which opens a new image, Save, which gives you several options which include, save, save a copy and cancel. I use the Save a copy option as it allows you to go back and made changes to what you’ve done to the photo in Snapseed. It also preserves your original photo. Next to the Save feature is a small white square that will contain numbers as you apply different effects to your photos. These edits, called stacks or layers, allow you to revisit something you’ve done to the photo and change or delete the edit.

To the right of the small white square are three white dots. Tap this to access other options including, Undo, Revert, Share, Help and Cancel.

After you’ve opened your image you’ll notice a large round dot with a pencil in it in the lower right of the screen. Tap this to bring up your tools for editing. picture10They’re pretty intuitive and easy to figure out. Under TOOLs you’ve find Tune Image, which allows you to adjust everything from brightness to shadows. Once you selected it just press and hold down on the screen to bring up a menu to change between the different options. Once you’ve selected an option slide you finger back and forth across the screen to change the effect. This procedure is the same in all the features you’ll encounter in Snapseed. To apply your changes just click on the checkmark on the bottom of the screen. If you want to see your histogram click on the small icon on the left of the screen.

picture11Also under the tools screen you’ll find FILTERS (left). These allow you to apply creative effects to your photos such as Lens Blur, HDR Scape, Black and White along with many more. It also has an option for adding frames to your image as well. Playing around with them is the easiest way to figure out what each one does. If you decide you don’t like an effect just click on the small x on the screen at the bottom left where you’re editing and cancel the edit.

If you want to zoom into your photo during an edit, just pinch in or out and use the navigation box by using the blue box that appears in the lower left corner.

Once you’ve edited your picture to look the way you’d like just click on the save button in the upper right corner and choose the option you wish to use. As I said before, I highly recommend the Save a copy option.

Also, for help, there’s a button at the bottom of the screen that says “Insights.” Click on it to bring up tutorials and videos on how to use Snapseed.

Other good resources are:

¨ Snapseed on YouTube: to use Snapseed


¨ Google Support:

¨ Download in from the App Store for your device or by search for Snapseed Download on


picture2I love a good spooky and maybe strange story.  This one matches my criteria, mainly because there are not many more spooky and creepy places than abandoned rail equipment and empty churches at night, after dark.

A friend sent me this story via Facebook Messenger about FDR’s secret railcar, still abandoned beneath the streets of New York City.

Grand Central’s abandoned Track 61. When President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in office, he utilized a secret train line that connected Grand Central to the Waldorf-Astoria. The area even has a huge freight elevator that was used to fit his limousine allowing FDR to travel to and from New York City in secrecy during World War II. This was the train he used which still sits on Track 61.

I hope to return to NYC this winter to hear and see my daughter perform with the New York Choral Society on their Christmas Concert.  She’s not a soloist, she just sings in this fantastically talented ensemble.

I’ve two other things I want to see there:  The Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center, and a Christmas window display with Lionel trains running in it.  I’m not sure that last one exists anymore, but the hunt will be fun.

Bill Thomas

Note: You can read more about this by Googling “FDR Railcar Track 61” or clicking on the link. Click play below to view a video.

Train Rides on the Hoosier Southern (ex-Southern) Tell City, IN to Lincoln City, IN during the Fall of 2016

The Scenic Lincoln Way is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to welcoming tourists to the historic land of President Abraham Lincoln’s childhood in Spencer and Perry Counties in Southern Indiana.  This is over the Hoosier Southern (ex-Southern) Tell City, Indiana branch east of Evansville, Indiana.

Past events have traveled west out of Tell City to approximately Troy, Indiana.  The September trip should be from Tell City to Lincoln City (most of the route).  Suspect equipment is borrowed from the nearby City of Jasper and/or Indiana Railway Museum.

2016 Excursion Train Rides

October 2016—Fall and Zombie-themed rides. Details coming soon!

December 2016—Holiday Excursions—Details coming soon!


Submitted by Don Clayton


This is a larger reprint of a shot used in Jim Pearson’s photography column last month. I thought it deserved another and larger look. – Bill Thomas, Editor

August 5, 2016 – Southbound CSX loaded coal train N320 (Evansville, IN (EVWR) - Cross, SC) meets W987-30 with a load of windmill motors waiting to go north from the north end of Hanson siding as N320 makes it's way south on the Henderson Subdivision at Hanson, Ky. - Tech Info: 1/640 | f/13 | ISO 720 | Lens: Sigma 150-600 @ 290mm with a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW.
August 5, 2016 – Southbound CSX loaded coal train N320 (Evansville, IN (EVWR) – Cross, SC) meets W987-30 with a load of windmill motors waiting to go north from the north end of Hanson siding as N320 makes it’s way south on the Henderson Subdivision at Hanson, Ky. – Tech Info: 1/640 | f/13 | ISO 720 | Lens: Sigma 150-600 @ 290mm with a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW.

The first thing I want to do is remind everyone that we will meet at; the County (Government Center) Court House (old post office), 56 North Main Street, Madisonville.  (Sept. 19, 2016, 7:00 p.m.) Please park in the North side parking lot, there are about 40 parking places available, use the parking lot side to enter the building.

September, is our annual meeting where Jim and Thomas Bryan do their magic and put on a fish fry. If you have never had an opportunity to experience the food at this meeting you are missing something. It will be well worth the effort to attend. This month program will be provided by Wallace Henderson. I need to thank Jim Kemp and Blair Terry for last month snacks and program respectfully.

We have our annual club picnic this month on the 24th in Crofton, KY., at the Crofton City Hall. In the past we started gathering any time after 10:00 am. This has been a great club function and tradition over the past several years. I hope everyone can attend this function on September 24th. Last year we made a change in the food for the picnic. We had a grill for cooking hamburgers and hotdogs which went along with chips condiments and soft drink. We had a coffee can available for any club members who wanted to make a contribution toward the food. The second option, is if a member wishes to go downtown in Crofton and purchase lunch from a vendor they may certainly do so.

The modules are all finished with the exception of one corner. I have to still lay the roadbed track and wire the underside. All we have to do is put all the modules together and see where we need to make any adjustments. We can do that in my warehouse some Saturday morning and if everything goes well you can take your module with you for structures. We can also go over some very simple rules that govern the layout.

Please mark your calendar for October 8th Blair and myself are putting on a Railfanning event in Hopkinsville, at the former L & N Depot on 9th street. We will be setup by 10:00 am and snacks will be available for those with an appetite.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate and CSX will run one train after another. If you have a lawn chair be sure to bring it the seating is limited close to the tracks.

Bill Farrell, President


As a follow up to our recent “NRHS BULLETIN”, Vol. 79, No.3 received in August which was totally about the building of the first transcontinental railroad From Omaha, Nebraska to Sacramento, Ca., I had just visited the site on July 30th. I encourage all members to visit if you are ever near the historic site. There is a nice new building and more to see there than I expected at this National Historic Site. I have enclosed a few photos.    Respectfully submitted, Bill Corum

We had a great selection of 11 entries for the August 2016 chapter photo contest. It was a bit of a short deadline for getting them in and hopefully that didn’t keep someone from entering. Our next and last contest for the year will be October from the 1st to the 8th and the deadline for emailing your entries to me is October 11th. Again, I’ll be out of town during the next meeting, but will judge the contest from the road and send the winning entries to Bill Thomas for the Pennyrail and Bill Ferrell so he can show the winners during the next meeting. We will the work on putting together a calendar using the winning entries. I’ll have a report on that for the November 2016 meeting. Send your entries for the October Photo Contest (Chapter Members only) to

1st Place August 2016 - Photo by Bill Grady
1st Place August 2016 – Photo by Bill Grady
2nd Place August 2016 - Photo by Matt Gentry , NB_Illini - Curtis Rd - A 30 minute late North Bound Illini prepares to blast through the Curtis Rd crossing south of downtown Champaign, IL during midday on August 7, 2016. One wouldn't think that the train is going to stop at Champaign-Urbana station in just over a mile, but this former Illinois Central line is pancake flat and this veteran GE P42 can be put down easily. (Notice the antenna plane on  the roof over the left side of the cab. This is special to Illinois Corridor Amtrak locomotives only)
2nd Place August 2016 – Photo by Matt Gentry , NB_Illini – Curtis Rd – A 30 minute late North Bound Illini prepares to blast through the Curtis Rd crossing south of downtown Champaign, IL during midday on August 7, 2016. One wouldn’t think that the train is going to stop at Champaign-Urbana station in just over a mile, but this former Illinois Central line is pancake flat and this veteran GE P42 can be put down easily. (Notice the antenna plane on the roof over the left side of the cab. This is special to Illinois Corridor Amtrak locomotives only)
3rd Place August 2016 - Photo by Keith Kittenger
3rd Place August 2016 – Photo by Keith Kittenger
South Tunnel
On July 22, 2016 I made a trip to find the South Tunnel on CSX’s Mainline Subdivision. I didn’t catch a train unfortunately, but this shot taken with my iPhone 6s really doesn’t need one! Look for photos that can provide you with good leading lines to help draw your subject into your picture!

Welcome to my first installment on this new column for the Pennyrail! I hope that everyone gets at least something from my ramblings here!

The Best Camera
I’m often asked what’s the best camera to use when taking photographs? My short answer is, the one you have with you! It doesn’t really matter what brand you use or like as long as you get out trackside and shoot pictures!

Now, of course some cameras offer better results than perhaps others, but what it all comes down to is that it’s the person behind the camera that “makes” the picture, not the equipment you use! I shoot and have seen others shoot with everything from smartphones to high priced digital cameras, but what it really comes down to a lot is you, the photographer and how you see and capture the scene before you! That’s what I love about photography, the ability to decide when and what I want to photograph. No one else tells me, or you, when to press the shutter.

August 5, 2016 – Southbound CSX loaded coal train N320 (Evansville, IN (EVWR) - Cross, SC) meets W987-30 with a load of windmill motors waiting to go north from the north end of Hanson siding as N320 makes it's way south on the Henderson Subdivision at Hanson, Ky. - Tech Info: 1/640 | f/13 | ISO 720 | Lens: Sigma 150-600 @ 290mm with a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW.
August 5, 2016 – Southbound CSX loaded coal train N320 (Evansville, IN (EVWR) – Cross, SC) meets W987-30 with a load of windmill motors waiting to go north from the north end of Hanson siding as N320 makes it’s way south on the Henderson Subdivision at Hanson, Ky. – Tech Info: 1/640 | f/13 | ISO 720 | Lens: Sigma 150-600 @ 290mm with a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW.

Simple advice to keep in mind when shooting pictures. First and foremost, if something in your picture doesn’t contribute to what you want the final photo to say then eliminate it when your shooting. Do this by getting closer, lower, higher, picking up trash or whatever else it takes. It’s much easier to do it before you shoot than it is to have to do it in the computer. Second, when shooting trains, don’t get hung up on the direction of the light! It is what it is and you can’t always control it. You have to shoot the picture when the train and you are there! Third, don’t shoot everything from eye level! Get low sometime to add drama to your pictures, or high sometimes to give a different perspective. Fourth, don’t shoot just on bright and sunny days. Great pictures are to be made on cloudy, rainy, snowy filled days.

Fifth, don’t put the camera away when it gets dark! Drag out the tripod or fast lens and shoot! There’s great pictures to be made during twilight and after dark. Sixth, Study the pictures of photographers you like! Ask yourself questions such as why did he shoot form this angle, time of day, etc. Seventh, look for things to photograph that are different. Heritage Locomotives, Steam Engines, Unusual paint schemes, obscure out of the way short lines, trains with different types of cargo, etc. I hope some of these help and good luck trackside and always be safe! Keep Clicking!!!


New Chapter member Will Kling submitted these photos and drawings of his recent work in N Scale.  – Bill Thomas

From Will…

Attached is the drawing of the cannery in N Scale each square = 1 inch  I also included  a site mock up and a picture of the warehouse with the cross over opening where the two building will connect.  The warehouse is not yet painted, still working on roof details.  Tonight started cutting out of sheet styrene the Cannery.  Once that is done will start working on the dock.  I’ve been taking photos and drawings of the complex I am building.  

I was asked to build an N scale cannery and warehouse for a guy in California.   The warehouse is a kit bash but the cannery and the dock are being scratch built.  My wife and I are building an addition to our home that will have a basement.  I plan to build a two-tiered N scale layout.  The top layer will be the EK division and the bottom will be SP/UP division in the St. Louis area.

If you have photos and/or stories about your modeling activities, please send them to me for this portion of the newsletter.  Thanks – Bill Thomas