Above:  Hands-on Whistle Display at the Museum of American Railroads, State Fairgrounds, Dallas, TX  –  1998

 The working display of steam whistles was a popular attraction at the Museum of American Railroads in Dallas.  An air compressor rather than live steam provided the real whistling,  with a lanyard for each type shown.   This very noisy display commanded a lot attention……,  the kids loved it, some big kids did too.   

Railroad engineers don’t blow the locomotive whistle just for the fun of it, although that’s what you might have thought in years past, when you heard unusual series of dots and dashes coming from a steam whistle or air horn. In the era prior to radio and other modern communications the locomotive whistle signals were extremely important in safe train movement.  Most of the many signals are no longer used, even the flagman’s job has been eliminated along with brakemen and most switchmen,  along with the caboose.

“Whooooooooo Whooooooooo whoo Whooooooo,”    is the most familiar train whistle used as a warning for the highway grade crossing. That last Whoooooo is to be the moment the engine actually crosses the highway. As an aside: Dash-Dash-Dot-Dash is the Morse Code letter “Q.” That signal was used by the Queen of England’s yacht when entering a harbor, to announce her arrival.  (probably also meant get the heck out of the way…)

Another whistle signals still in use today is: three long bursts for “I’m about to back up.” You may hear that signal down at the harbor too when a large ship is about to move astern.

Steam whistles used by American railroads were almost always chosen for their ability to be heard over great distances and to stand out over other noises and whistles of the day. Not all American railroads used deep sounding whistles.  The Pennsylvania, for example, used a shrieking single note or “banshee” sound.  Most mainline railroads preferred either a three-note or six-note whistle with the most popular being the three-chime version.

Fast moving steam locomotives generally had an air-horn to supplement the whistle, as at speeds of 80 -90 even a hundred miles per hour, the air-horn provided warnings at a greater range.


Credits:   Photo by Mitchael K. Ostlund – Excerpts from Trains Magazines Feb 50 and Sep 2014 – Note: The Museum has since moved from Dallas to Frisco, TX.   The fate of the display is not known.     – Gary O. Ostlund


Opinions and Stories by Bill Thomas, Editor

Thanks to my wife Angela, I have been given access to the former screened-in porch that I enclosed several years ago so our young boys could have a play room.  Well, play has evolved into video games and electric guitars in their bedroom.  The room has served mainly as a cat litter box facility and a place for my backyard container plants to find refuge in the winter. 

Upon receiving home dispatcher permission to enter the block, I quickly set up a 6-foot plastic folding table for a temporary work space.  Soon I was installing digital decoders in several of my locomotives which have been in storage for years – some for decades.  My soldering skills were revived as was my excitement of being able to “run” a train somewhere again in HO scale. 

Here’s my “point” for this month’s article.  The thought of moving these blue (Athern) and yellow box (Atlas) older locomotives into the digital command control (DCC) ages was daunting – but I’m a persistent man.  Overhearing sidebar talk at meetings about DCC from our own Steve Miller and Keith Kittinger, I knew from where my help would come.  And sure enough, I’m about to install my 5th and 6th decoders as I write. 

My next step was to begin preparations for painting some of my “foreign road” equipment to bring them into the L&N/Family Lines clan I have envisioned in the years 1970-1985ish.  Some train smack talk with Keith, Tony Clark, and former chapter member Bill Heaton, put me on track and today I bought my first 3 bottles of paint for the air brush I’ve never had out of the box. 

All this to say that one of the most valuable elements of being in a club, historical society chapter, or other organization of like-minded people, is the range and volume of helpful information and pure “assistance” and encouragement that can come from friends who have already tread the path before you.  Keeping us from making some of the mistakes they might have made along the way. 

So, with a grateful heart, I say, “Thanks!” to those who continue to work, play, and strive to increase the quality of our experience together.  Keep up the good work.  I hope to pass the favor on to someone new down the tracks. 


The 2018 NRHS convention will be held Tuesday-Sunday, Aug. 7-12, with headquarters in Cumberland, Md. The tentative schedule includes scenic rail trips through the countryside of West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, plus the annual meetings of the Society. The registration room for the convention will open in mid-afternoon on Tuesday, Aug. 7. The board meeting for the NRHS Fund Inc., will be held that evening.

The first trip is scheduled for Wednesday with an all-day outing to Cass, W.Va. to ride the Cass Scenic Railroad up to Spruce, W.Va. At that point, there will be a “cross platform transfer” from the Cass steam train to the Salamander diesel train to Elkins, W.Va. Lunch will be served on the Salamander. Once in Elkins, NRHS members will re-board the buses for the return trip to the hotel in Cumberland.

The tentative schedule for Thursday includes a charter train ride on the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad from the depot on Cumberland (three blocks from the hotel) to Frostburg, Md., behind the newly rebuilt steam engine No. 1309. Photo run-bys are scheduled for this trip. Cab rides will be offered in both directions with proceeds benefitting the NRHS.

To read more from the NRHS News, go to https://admin.nrhs.com/NRHSNews/NRHS_News_October_2017.pdf.


The gentleman on the velocipede is coasting down the line on the Tacoma & Eastern Railway.   It’s powered by “Armstrong,”  translated:  human muscle and sweat.   Going back up the grade his arms and legs will get a pretty good workout.   There is no chain like on a bicycle, rather a reciprocating walking beam.  They were also known as “Irish mail carts.”

Velocipedes were complemented by four-wheel platforms with a see-saw affair whereupon up to four men could pump up and down to propel the rig down the track.   These vehicles were used to transport track repairmen and equipment to their job-site. 

As technology advanced numerous makers produced what most of us will remember as Speeders, or Putt-Putts.   In the scene above, Roger Sackett is using a chain and come-along to man-handle his Fairmont Speeder past an obstruction.    He and I spent the day up on Snoqualmie Pass trekking along the abandoned Milwaukee right-of-way.

After “setting on” (to use the proper RR term) at Garcia we scooted downhill to the washed out Hull Creek trestle.   We then returned up a few miles above where we began, only to find this log that had penetrated our course.   But Roger, always prepared, had the equipment for such a task.  We succeeded and ventured on, only to find another near identical obstruction around the next curve.  It was still a fun outing.  

Thousands of speeders were produced by the Fairmont Corporation in Minnesota and the Kalamazoo folks in Michigan to name a few.   They were belt driven and powered by a single-cylinder gas engine.    The railroads switched to hi-rail vehicles, traditional pickup trucks with retractable flange guide wheels.    Now only the railfan recreationist use them on treks around the country.   Great fun.

Credits:  Velocipede photographer unk., as seen in book:  Rails to Paradise.     Fairmont Speeder 35MM slide by me.

Submitted by Gary Ostlund


Yes, last week’s story of the perils of the early-day brakemen included a “walk-in-the-park” picture.  The brakeman was enjoying the majestic palisades of the Mississippi in SW Wisconsin.    Such relaxing was not always the case.   Just look at the ice and snow this brakeman endured in helping to slow and stop a moving train.  

The drawing by O. V. Schubert appeared in Harper’s Weekly in the 1880s.  Note the lantern, kerosene no doubt, a handle with a hoop large enough to slide up his arm.   No need to set it down, and if you did it would never be seen again.   

Lanterns aren’t used much today, and no one need climb to the top of moving box cars.  Crews doing switching movements are communicating via hand-held radio.  Inventions of Air-Brakes by George Westinghouse, and Knuckle-Couplers by Major Eli Janney were patented in 1869 and 68.  Sadly, the railroads were not mandated by a Federal law to so equip their rolling stock until 1893.  Even so the Railroads were slow to implement these safety features.   Many brakemen never arrived at the destination terminal, and few switchmen had all their fingers, having had to manually couple cars with links and pins. 

On the narrow-gauge lines in Colorado some safety features were not installed until into the 1920s.   You can to this day see Telltales fronting tunnels on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railway, a mighty fine ride.


Siding at Pride Ave crossing looking east.

Here are some shots I just happened upon a few Sundays ago on my way home from church.  I’ve always had a fascination with the industrial maze of tracks often in tight and unfriendly-to-trains places.  Alstrom Corp. in Madisonville is a bit wide open but has some interesting elements which would make modeling it enjoyable.  Notice the “new” track in this first scene – it was re-laid just a couple of years ago and you can tell where CSX takes over on the west side of Pride Ave.  Modeling such a transition of track conditions might be a challenge. 

I like the derail with the brakeman in action, chain link fence which the brakeman has to unlock, and the relatively steep grade the siding has to negotiate to get up to Alstrom’s unloading dock.  Couple all of this with the grain storage facility next door which currently has 7 or 8 covered hoppers of various ownership, and you’ve got some nice action in a tight space.  Throw in the old siding extension to Calhoun Feed & Supply and you’ve got a winner. And there’s more!  Just a couple of miles west is Fortner Gas, now a regional propane distributor.  Fortner just had their existing siding expanded and a second one added to accommodate multiple large tank cars to be unloaded simultaneously along with a track-mobile to move things around!  AND… run a Dotiki or Warrior unit coal train through the scene for the cherry on top!

Below:  Same location looking west along CSX’s Morganfield branch and grain storage facility.  Note the concrete loading dock on the former Southern States property.


Jim Pearson

Note: These are date changes from what appeared in the Pennyrile! I’ve made these adjustments to better allow the production of the calendar in time for the holidays.

Below are the dates for upcoming chapter photo contests.  During the months listed all members are invited to shoot pictures and submit no more than two entries to webmaster@westkentuckynrhs.org by the deadline listed next to each contest. You must be a paid member of the chapter to participate in these contests.

Jim Pearson will judge the photos and select 1st through 3rd place and the winners will be presented in the PennyRail and on the chapter website. We’ll also view them at the meeting following each contest.

At least the 1st place winners will be used to produce a chapter calendar for the next year.  All submissions must have a caption that lists at least the railroad, location and date with photographer’s credit and any other relevant information.

January 1-31, 2018
Submission Deadline: February 7, 2018

March 1-15, 2018
Submission Deadline: March 22, 2018

May 1-15, 2018
Submission Deadline: May 22, 2018

July 1-15, 2018
Submission Deadline: July 22, 2018

September 1-15, 2018
Submission Deadline: September 22, 2018

November 1-15, 2018
Submission Deadline: November 22, 2018


The 2018 NRHS convention will be held Tuesday-Sunday, Aug. 7-12, with headquarters in Cumberland, Md. The tentative schedule includes scenic rail trips through the countryside of West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, plus the annual meetings of the Society. The registration room for the convention will open in mid-afternoon on Tuesday, Aug. 7. The board meeting for the NRHS Fund Inc., will be held that evening.

The first trip is scheduled for Wednesday with an all-day outing to Cass, W.Va. to ride the Cass Scenic Railroad up to Spruce, W.Va. At that point, there will be a “cross platform transfer” from the Cass steam train to the Salamander diesel train to Elkins, W.Va. Lunch will be served on the Salamander. Once in Elkins, NRHS members will re-board the buses for the return trip to the hotel in Cumberland.

The tentative schedule for Thursday includes a charter train ride on the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad from the depot on Cumberland (three blocks from the hotel) to Frostburg, Md., behind the newly rebuilt steam engine No. 1309. Photo run-bys are scheduled for this trip. Cab rides will be offered in both directions with proceeds benefitting the NRHS.

To read more from the NRHS News, go to https://admin.nrhs.com/NRHSNews/NRHS_News_October_2017.pdf.


Ricky Bivins, Chapter President

Greetings fellow Western Kentucky Chapter, National Railway Historical Society members.  And here we find ourselves in 2018. I keep searching for an app on my phone that says “slow down time”! I have yet to find it, if you do please, let me know!

On a sad note, we lost friend and model train aficionado Jim Bengert last month. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.  The January 2018 meeting will be held in the former train station in downtown Madisonville.  We have been away from there for at least two years during a building renovation. Innovation Station as the structure is now called has been completely rebuilt and re-purposed. Madisonville Hopkins County Economic Development Corporation President Ray Hagerman will be my guest speaker. Ray will enlighten us to the changes, needs and future of our favorite train station.

Keep in mind our new officers will take office this month as well with the only change being Bill Farrell assuming the role of treasurer and secretary.

As I am sure you are aware by now, I took measures to cancel the Christmas show last month. Bill Farrell had a serious medical scare and I did not want to place any undue stress on him. Being as Bill is truly 90 percent of the Christmas show, I felt it to be a necessary move.

The breakfast with Santa event was held December 16, 2017 and was well received. Bill will have a full report on same as well as the raffle.

The only old business I have is a reminder to pay dues. National as well as Chapter dues are…well..DUE! One can pay National Dues online with a credit card or via check. Chapter dues are to be paid to Bill Farrell by check or cash. In one of the National publications there was a note stating in the future National dues can be paid through the Chapter. That option is not yet available.

New Business will address our meeting space, Program idea’s, Chapter trips etc. Etc. being anything the membership wishes to bring before the Chapter. Bill Farrell has suggested we drop the raffle as a fundraiser. Once he has presented the results of the Breakfast with Santa, Photos with the Polar Express Characters and the raffle, we will discuss this option.

As always, Members can step up with programs, ideas and suggestions. Trips trackside or to a museum etc. This is train enthusiast group…let us make 2018 another banner year.

Ricky Bivins, President    


Jim Trackside at LaGrange, Ky. – Photo by Chrystal Brantley

Just as a reminder folks the chapter’s last photo contest for 2017 is underway!  Below are the dates for upcoming chapter photo contests.  During the months listed all members are invited to shoot pictures and submit no more than two entries to webmaster@westkentuckynrhs.org by the deadline listed next to each contest. You must be a paid member of the chapter to participate in these contests.

Jim Pearson will judge the photos and select 1st through 3rd place and the winners will be presented in the PennyRail and on the chapter website. We’ll also view them at the meeting following each contest.

At least the 1st place winners will be used to produce a chapter calendar for the next year.  All submissions must have a caption that lists at least the railroad, location and date with photographer’s credit and any other relevant information.

November 1-30, 2017
Submission Deadline: December 7, 2017

January 1-31, 2018
Submission Deadline: February 7, 2018

March 1-31, 2018
Submission Deadline: April 7, 2018

May 1-31, 2018
Submission Deadline: June 7, 2018

July 1-31, 2018
Submission Deadline: August 7, 2018

September 1-30, 2018
Submission Deadline: October 7, 2018

November 1-30, 2018
Submission Deadline: December 7, 2018


Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad Locomotive 487 is pulling an Engineer Training School Freight Eastbound at Dalton, New Mexico on October 4, 2017. 

Bill Grady and Lee Gordon Spent 4 days on the C&TS riding and railfanning this incredible railroad in the peak of fall color in New Mexico and Colorado.  Then spent 4 more days on the BNSF and UP in New Mexico and Arizona. 

Photo by Bill Grady