by Bill Thomas, superintendent, Hook Line & Singer RR

The last derailment on the Hook Line & Singer RR sends the Board of Directors into finalizing the closing of the line. No livestock was injured.
For nearly 17 years, the Hook Line & Singer Railroad has brought me hours of joy, relaxation, and for a few of those hours, a great deal of frustration and challenge. It has been the gathering place for our chapter at times – where friendships were cultivated and precious memories made, evidenced by the picture bottom left. With the recent move we’ve made to West Lake Street, Madisonville, the Hook Line will join the ranks of fallen flag lines as its rails and ties are removed leaving a lonely roadbed. Mother Nature will soon reclaim the real estate.
But with that comes the creation of a new line, yet to be named. I guess it depends on the towns served and how much money each community along the line can raise to make an impact on the route. So stay tuned over the next year or two for news about re-purposed rail being laid to new vistas and destinations. Who knows, this may turn into a group project! – Bill Thomas, superintendent, Hook Line & Singer RR

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