Greetings fellow rail fans. And welcome to spring! I’m sure everyone is ready for warm weather, rail fan events, mosquitoes, sunburn and grass to mow! Yes I am being sarcastic. I always say I enjoy winter much more than summer. I actually enjoy the cold and the luxury of the above mentioned events not cutting into rail fan time, train room time along with the many Holy Train Nights throughout winter. But summer is upon us and that means other things to do. However, we will continue with our monthly meetings and scheduled events many of which will be mentioned in the meeting Monday the 15th. Hats off the Cooper Smith for presenting a fine program in March.
The Tennessee Central is an interesting railroad. Cooper brought much research and information to the table last month. If you have been keeping up with rail fan news, Union Pacific Big Boy number 4014 will be on the rails very soon to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Driving of the Golden Spike at Promontory Utah. I am sure the Big Boy under steam will be a sight to behold. Nashville Steam is making progress returning NC&St.L 576 to to life. These are only a few events. Many more are in the works. Being track side right here in our Western Kentucky backyard can yield quite a show of trains. I have seen many foreign road units lately. Not to mention watching for rolling stock from fallen flag roads. Our meeting agenda this month has a few items of importance but the business portion should go quickly.
Our program and refreshments should be spot on for spring. Get out and see some trains. Make the meeting and bring a guest. Stay track side on public property and stay safe. I hope to see you Monday.