Greetings fellow NRHS members, and here we find ourselves at the beginning of October! September was a good month for our group, we had an excellent September meeting at Bill and Angela Thomas’ home with hotdogs on the grill, Gauge One trains in the garden and a good time had by all. September also saw our annual outing to Crofton Kentucky trackside at the Veterans Park with a good day of train watching, food on the grill thanks to Bill Ferrall, fellowship and more trains. What could be better?
As I commented a month prior, October is our annual call for officers. In November we will hold elections for the upcoming 2018 calendar year. If you have an officer candidate in mind or if you would like to hold an office yourself, speak up at this meeting and get your name on the “official ballot”!
I look forward to a report from our Christmas show committee this meeting. We need to get the ball rolling on this. Last year we had an enjoyable time at the Parkway Plaza Mall with the modular layout as well as the other events we had. As I understand Bill and his gang have a bang up event planned for the 2017 Christmas season!
It has been discussed at several previous meetings that our group go on some sort of outing. Fall is a great time for this although a busy time for many. If you have a trip in mind be it long distance, short distance or what ever, by all means speak up. We need to become more vocal about this.
We should have several other items of business this month that we will touch on quickly in the business meeting. If you have other thoughts or ideas bring them forward, we will discuss them of course. Meanwhile, make plans to be at the meeting on Monday, October 16, 2017 and bring a guest, bring a show-n-tell item and bring a raffle item. I hope to see you there.