Greetings fellow NRHS members. My what a busy summer. I’m sure yours has been as busy as mine. If you have one blade of grass there’s another million and all of them need to be cut!
Our meeting last month at the Hopkins County Government Center was very productive. We had visitors from Nashville Steam on hand with an excellent program and “questions and answers” session. After which we reconvene and voted to donate $500 to their effort from the Chapter treasury. An additional $200 was donated from members. I look forward to seeing and hearing the Yellow Jacket in operation.
National has a full set of articles covering the convention in Nashville Tennessee. There was a lot of enjoyable trip’s and everything was well patronized. In those articles lies some information pertaining to the National organization. You can go to the NRHS national website and access them via the administrative tab on the lower area of the homepage for the National Organization. Along with those articles are serval additional subjects and many photographs. All very good reading and very good quality.
Our August meeting I’m sure we’ll have a few stories of the upcoming eclipse which would have been over a few hours by meeting time. Additionally, we will review the program Bill Ferrall was going to present two months ago. Due to technical difficulties we were unable to view his program at that time.
We will also confirm the date and time for the annual Chapter picnic at the veterans grounds in Crofton Kentucky. This is always an enjoyable event.
Additionally, we will be discussing the Christmas dinner at the home of Steve and Marilyn Miller a top Billy Goat Hill Road in Hopkinsville Kentucky. This was the most enjoyable venue last year for those that attended. And speaking of Christmas, Bill Ferrall and Jim Kemp will have a precursor to our Christmas show this year. The show last year was very well received and this year promises to have even more impact.
We will touch base with Jim Pearson on the upcoming photo contest and ideas for the Chapter calendar as well.
Please make an effort to attend the meeting on Monday, August 21, 2017 at the Hopkins County Justice Center on North Main St., Madisonville, KY.. Bring a friend, a show and tell item and a raffle item as well. I hope to see you there.