My oh my how time flies. Here it is time for the June NRHS Western Kentucky Chapter meeting and it seems only a few days ago we were in Hopkinsville KY for the May meeting! And speaking of the May meeting, it was a grand time. With the venue being the former L&N RR Passenger Station in historic downtown Hopkinsville, Bill Farrell grilling burgers and dogs, CSX (and BNSF) providing trains and Wallace Henderson giving a detailed talk with photos and newspapers clippings covering train derailments in and around Hopkinsville…. WHEW…we did all of that in one evening. THANK YOU HOPKINSVILLE MEMBERS.

If you have taken time to go track side in our area, I am sure you have noticed a lot of trains are running. CSX and P&L both provide ample opportunities for viewing. On CSX, I have seen locomotives from many class 1 railroads and short lines too. There have been several Chicago Metra F40 rebuilds making their way up and down the line. The new paint scheme is bright and colorful. I spotted one locomotive from the Kiamichi Railway on April 15 of this year! CSX is home to EMD’s only MP-15-T locomotives which make their way by on occasion. And train patterns seem to be changing with the change of power in Jacksonville as well. The modern railroad is interesting to say the least. I still enjoy seeing rail cars from “fallen flag” railroads. It is surprising how many fallen flag railroads are represented in a train! So go out and watch trains. Have a good time and stay off the right-of-way.
The NRHS National Convention is being held in Nashville TN this month. I plan to go Friday the 23rd and represent the Chapter at the business meeting pending my work schedule does not intervene. Having talked with several members I feel the Chapter as a whole has little or no interest in the event. This is fine, not everyone is “on board” with the business aspect of our organization. If I do indeed make it to the meeting, I will have a full report in July.
We need to revisit our display at Parkway Plaza Mall, we have discussed this and taken no action.
We need to (my opinion) have a few more Chapter related functions. Track side days are always well attended and enjoyed. All one needs to do is pony up and sponsor one. Pick a day and location that suits you and we will get the word out. That being said, it is not too early to talk about the Annual Chapter Pic-Nic in Crofton KY. We need to discuss a date.
The Christmas Show Committee will be start planning for this years event. Be thinking of joining in the effort. Last year was a fun time with the kids and adults alike enjoying the show. Bring new ideas to the table for 2017. This should be our signature event with the public.
The meeting will be held Monday evening, June 19th at the Hopkins County Government Centre on North Main Street, Madisonville KY. We will meet at 7:00 PM with Rich Hane providing refreshments and Bill Farrell providing the program. Join in and bring a guest.
Ricky Bivins, President