Greetings all. It is with sadness that I pass word to you that Dennis J. Carnal passed away last night (Monday, September 12) around midnight, at Regional Medical Center, from what appears to have been an embolism brought on by unknown circumstances. Dennis had been suffering from occasional seizures for a couple of weeks. Keith Kittinger and I carried him home from my house Saturday. He saw a Dr. at Multicare Monday, suffered another seizure while there, was admitted to RMC, then died that evening.
His cousin Peggy, Keith and I met with Reid Walters funeral home this morning. Dennis will be cremated and buried in the Earlington Cemetery alongside his mother and father.
At Dennis’ request there will be no public service of remembrance. I suggest as a chapter we collect a donation for one of Dennis’ passions. Disaster Relief/Emergency Management or American Red Cross Disaster relief. I’ll not make the next meeting due to a conflict at the Glema Mahr Center for the Arts.
I’d like to host a Thursday night get-together sometime soon at the house, build a roaring campfire (Dennis hated the fire pit) and roast some hotdogs while we give a memory roasting to the Old Goat!
Take care guys! – Bill Thomas