by Chapter President, Rich Hane
I hope that all of you that attended our last meeting had a good time. I enjoyed giving the program and our evening of fellowship.
We will be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of our Chapter in April so this is a good time for anyone who would like to do something special for the evening in the way of program or refreshments to be thinking of this and bring it up at this month’s meeting so that we can discuss it. Perhaps a special “show and tell” or an interesting personal story or some background history would be appropriate. The 25th Anniversary should be a special time for us and a time to remember all of the good times that we have shared over the years. We share a rather unique interest in the history of railroading and all that railroads of done for our country. The friendships that we have made and the fellowship shared at our meetings is should always be looked at as a happy time for us.
Bill Thomas has the program this month and it promises to be quite interesting. I am looking forward to seeing all of your happy faces at the Center in beautiful downtown Madisonville at 7pm, on Monday, February 22d, 2010.