By William Farrell
On December 21st the Western Kentucky Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society in conjunction with Golden Ticket Theaters held a community event for the children of Madisonville, Kentucky. All children 12 years old and under were allowed into the theater free for a special showing of the Christmas classic movie, “The Polar Express”.
With the cooperation of the Hopkins County School system all second graders in the county received a ticket to the movie for December 21. In the information that was sent home from school was the date and time of the shows. The show was open to any child with or without a ticket. Just like in the movie the children were asked to wear their pajamas to the theater. In fact, the theater manager encouraged her staff to wear their pajamas to work that evening.
Our chapter has several members that have strange resemblance to some of the chapters in the movie. We were able to provide a Santa Claus, conductor, engineer, firemen, and a great looking waiter. We had a hobo but unfortunately the covid bug had him at home. Oh, I almost forgot and one large elf. The chapter had two Polar Express back drops hanging in the theater lobby. Parent of the children were
encouraged to take pictures of their child with one or all the characters provided by our chapter. That seemed to be a big hit with the parents and the children who were attending. The truth is I think the chapter members who were dressed in costume had more fun than the people attending the show. Two of the wives of members baked cookies and in between shows we partied in the lobby of the theater.
After the movie was over and as the children exited the show, they were offered an inch and a half sleigh bell if they believed. At this point each child had an opportunity to sit with Santa and talk briefly. This became another photo opt. for the parents, in fact some of the parents got to sit with the big man in red too.
The manager of the Golden Ticket Theater (Madisonville) said the event was a success and would like to do this event again next year. Some of the chapter members have already started planning on how to improve the event and make it better for December of 2025.